Category: Truth To Action
Why Should You Pushback Against the “No Vax, No Ride” Policy?
Why do we need to push back against the no, vax, no ride policy? Well, aside from the fact that it is unconstitutional, it has no scientific basis [see What are the Constitutional and Scientific Bases for Restricting Movements of Vaccine-Free Citizens when COVID-19 Infects Anyone Regardless of Vaccination Status?]. One thing we want to…
What’s Wrong with the DoTr’s “No Vax, no Ride” Policy?
The “no vaccination, no ride” policy imposed by the Department of Transportation (DoTr) is based on an antiquated belief that zero covid is possible, that government policy controls the spread of the virus, and that only the vaccine can prevent deaths from COVID. Like most of the Philippine government’s policies, the DoTr’s policy looks only…
Are the executive orders being passed by LGUs restricting the movement of the vaccine-free, legal?
The direct answer to this question has been discussed thoroughly by Atty. Aaron Soguilon in the following video interview recorded by Covid Call to Humanity. According to Atty. Soguilon, RA 11525, the very law that enabled the government to create an emergency purchase of vaccines, has also ensured that no discrimination on the basis of…
What are the Constitutional and Scientific Bases for Restricting Movements of Vaccine-Free Citizens when COVID-19 Infects Anyone Regardless of Vaccination Status?
There is no scientific basis for the draconian COVID restrictions being imposed on vaccine-free individuals because there is no evidence so far that vaccines can reduce infections. Moreover, the latest “scary” variant, is known to cause mild disease which means that all the Omicron panic among governments is nonsense. These two facts support the position…
Why Do Variants Keep on Emerging Despite Vaccination and Stringent Lockdowns?
There is no end to all these COVID variants because by nature, coronaviruses, like most viruses, evolve very fast. This has been thoroughly explained by evolutionary virologist Dr. Edward Holmes in a September 2020 article published by the New York Times. In the article, Dr. Holmes explained that most “variants” of SARS-CoV-2 are 99.95% similar…
Public Seminar Series Episode 20: New Normal 2022, What Would It Be?
In this 20th episode of our weekly Public Seminar Series, we will try to answer the question: What kind of “New Normal” can we expect this 2022? Is it the future we would choose for ourselves? Join us tomorrow, January 9, 2022 from 7:30 to 9:30 PM. Visit for the live stream.
What is causing the explosion of COVID cases which is now leading to panic, and tyrannical, illegal mandates in the Philippines?
The increase in COVID cases in areas with high COVID vaccination is indicative of a phenomenon called Antibody-Dependent Enhancement (ADE). ADE is a well-known phenomenon observed in the development of vaccines against coronaviruses (for example, SARS and MERS), measles, respiratory syncytial virus (RSV), and dengue. This is the reason why no vaccine manufacturer has ever…
Zoom Public Seminar Series Episode 16: Urgent Global Developments
In this 16th episode of our weekly Public Seminar Series, we will be discussing some very important global developments regarding the fight for freedom against COVID tyranny. Join us today, December 19, 2021 from 7:30 to 9:30 PM. Visit for the livestream.
Pfizer’s Assassin Vaccine
By Nicanor Perlas 09 December 2021 Pfizer’s “vaccine” is not a vaccine. It is a medical device meant to turn your entire body into a permanent facility for manufacturing spike proteins, as Bill Gates once blogged with glee[efn_note][/efn_note]. Unfortunately, in itself, these spike proteins are toxic and can also harm and cause deaths on their…
Pfizer Controls Health Policy of 110 Countries, CCH Challenges the Duterte Government to Make Public Its Contract with Pfizer
By Nicanor Perlas 07 December 2021 On 31 July 2021, Ehden Biber released a copy of a secret contract that Pfizer had with the Brazilian government[efn_note] Apparently there was an earlier release. But, for the purposes of this article, we will stick with the reference cited immediately above.[/efn_note]. The contract is called the “Manufacturing and…