Category: Articles
As we all know, CCH and other Freedom Warriors succeeded in stopping the enactment of SB 1869 into law over a month ago. See here and here. Senate Poised to Approve SB 1869 Soonest However, as already mentioned, the Second Round of the battle to stop this treasonous law is not done. The Senate resumes its Plenary Session…
Tactical Alliance Between CCH and National Peoples Initiative Dismantled
On June 13, 2023, CCH wrote about the nature of tactical alliances in general and the tactical alliance between CCH and National Peoples Initiative (NPI) in particular. See here. In that article, CCH explained that, while this tactical alliance helped win a Round One victory against SB 1869, certain cracks in the alliance started to surface.…
CCH On-The-Ground Report for Days 4-6 of the Senate Protests, May 15 to 17, 2023 Victory From twenty five (25) to one hundred (100) Freedom Warriors, demonstrating for three straight days at the Senate, successfully delayed the passage of SB1869 into law. They succeeded despite significant external and internal obstacles hurled against them. (See video here and here.). Their success…
CCH Releases 2nd Briefing Paper Warning Senate Not to Surrender Philippine Sovereignty to Sex Maniacs and Pedophiles at the WHO/UN
Senate Bill 1869 contains provisions that surrender Philippine democracy and sovereignty to the WHO, thereby paving the way for permanent lockdowns and health control that the WHO is planning for the world. While that, in itself is disastrous, WHO, together with the UN, have launched initiatives that encourage “0-4”-year-olds to masturbate, 6-9 year-olds to learn about…
COVID-19 Vaccines Seriously Harmed Millions and Sabotaged Economies with $147 Billion in Losses
A recent US analysis of Covid data by scientists and a seasoned former Blackrock economic manager has found that vaccines have caused $147 billion in economic damages and tens of millions of injuries and disabilities to people. This article contains a Twitter post by Edward Dowd, the Blackrock analyst, about the estimated economic damage or…
Massive Demonstrations Hit Europe. France and Germany Take the Lead
In Germany and France, workers are protesting and causing disruptions. In Germany, major strikes led by workers demand better pay and working conditions, which could cause further disruption to the already struggling German economy. Meanwhile, France is also experiencing protests and unrest due to the unpopular pension reforms led by French President, Emmanuel Macron. Editor’s…
Tucker Carlson Explains How Trans Ideology is the Negative Mirror Image of Christianity
Tucker Carlson, a political commentator, asserts that the transgender community is the opposite of Christianity and therefore the enemy of the latter. He argues that transgender ideology asserts dominion over nature itself and seeks to upend traditional notions of male and female. Carlson claims that this ideology is being promoted by powerful forces in society,…
Covid Vaccination Results in Deaths 5 Months Later
Official UK Government data shows the mortality rate per 100,000 rises significantly among the vaccinated compared to the unvaccinated. The data also shows that the number of deaths increases with more doses of the vaccines. (See link to full story below) Editor’s Note: Despite this overwhelming evidence, proponents of vaccines often say that correlation is…
SB1869 will not only institutionalize or make permanent all these costly mistakes. It will also subject Filipinos to new kinds of punishments and ordeals and even new forms of death. Worst, SB1869 will destroy the country’s democracy and help usher in a medical dictatorship under the control of the World Health Organization (WHO) with the…
WE HAVE TO STOP THIS! The Senate is Rushing the Approval of SB 1869. This is a Digital Prison for Filipinos, Controlled by the WHO, Aided by Our Treacherous Government Which Will Surveil Us 24/7
It is clear that the Senate is not interested in a dialogue with concerned Filipinos. They are not serious about their sworn duty to listen and serve Filipinos. It is clear that the Senators are going to rush this Bill to approval.