Category: Treatment for COVID-19
Mary Beth Pfeiffer: Not using Ivermectin is unethical and immoral
The following is an article written by Mary Beth Pfeiffer for Trial Site News. Pfeiffer is an award-winning journalist and the author of the books Lyme: The First Epidemic of Climate Change and Crazy in America: The Hidden Tragedy of Our Criminalized Mentally Ill. In this article, Pfeiffer looks at some of the evidences for…
Why Ivermectin is the best treatment for COVID
The following is a French article written by Dr. Gerard Maudrux. It was originally published on February 28, 2021 by France Soir. In this article, we discover Ivermectin, considered as one of the most useful drugs to mankind, alongside Penicillin and Aspirin. The article shows us the various uses of the drug to show its…
New Israeli drug cured 29 out of 30 moderate to serious cases in few days
The following is a news report published by The Times of Israel last February 5, 2021. The article discusses some pertinent details about a new coronavirus treatment developed by Ichilov Medical Center at Tel Aviv. Based on its phase 1 trials, moderate to serious cases of COVID-19 are able to recover within days. The drug…
New study confirms HCQ could have saved lives, SARS-CoV-2 can be controlled without lockdowns, and vaccines
The following article was published on January 1, 2021, in The American Journal of Medicine (AJM). It was written by health experts including Peter McCullough, Ronan Kelly, William O’Neill, Marcus Zervos, and Harvey Risch, among several others. In this study, the researchers developed an emergency treatment protocol for confirmed COVID-19 and suspected false-negative patients who…
Ivermectin: Another drug proven to treat COVID-19
The following website details the meta analysis of 24 studies on the use of Ivermectin for the treatment of COVID-19. The meta analysis shows that 100% of the studies have reported positive effects. The probability of ineffective treatment is estimated to be 1 in 17 million. According to the results, Ivermectin is effective at all…
Evidence shows that Ivermectin can prevent and treat COVID-19
The following document is a condensed summary of the comprehensive review on the use and efficacy of Ivermectin for COVID-19 prevention and treatment. The review was conducted by the Frontline COVID-19 Critical Care Alliance led by Prof. Paul Marik. The full review may be found on the organization’s website. This is the same document referred to…
Italy’s Council of State OK’s hydroxychloroquine as treatment for COVID-19
In an order released December 11, 2020, the Italian Council of State has allowed the use of hydroxychloroquine (HCQ) as treatment for COVID-19, as long it is prescribed by a doctor. This news report from FranceSoir, cites the order: “The continuing uncertainty about the therapeutic efficacy of hydroxychloroquine, declared by Aifa [the Italian Medicine Agency] to…
AMA Georgia propose to rescind statement against the use of HCQ for COVID-19 treatment
[Erratum: This article was originally published with the title AMA Rescinds Statement Against The Use Of HCQ For COVID-19 Treatment. Upon closer checking, we have discovered that the attached document Resolution 509, was actually a proposal submitted by the AMA chapter in Georgia which was to be reviewed during the November 2020 Special Meeting of…
WHO advises against use of remdesevir for COVID patients
The World Health Organization has issued a formal recommendation advising against the use of remdesivir for treatment of COVID-19 patients, particularly those who are seriously ill. The press release was published through the British Medical Journal last November 20, 2020. The recommendation was issued by the WHO Guideline Development Group (WHO GDG), which consists of…
Comparative analysis on the efficacy of various drug regimens for treating COVID-19 outpatients
The following article was published by the journal Travel Medicine and Infectious Disease last October 31, 2020. The study involved 717 SARS-CoV-2-positive patients treated at emergency rooms in a large HMO in Brazil. Results of the study showed that hydroxychloroquine (HCQ) reduced hospitalization risk by 50-60% while other medications such as Ivermectin, azithromycin, and oseltamivir did not…