New Israeli drug cured 29 out of 30 moderate to serious cases in few days

The following is a news report published by The Times of Israel last February 5, 2021. The article discusses some pertinent details about a new coronavirus treatment developed by Ichilov Medical Center at Tel Aviv. Based on its phase 1 trials, moderate to serious cases of COVID-19 are able to recover within days.
The drug helps calm down the immune system and curb the cytokine storm.
Editor’s Note: Though the clinical trial for this medicine is in its early stages, its early results are encouraging. For one, it offers hope for a future with no mandatory vaccinations if it is found to be truly effective at curing moderate to severe cases.
Second, the findings of this study highlights once again, the importance of sustaining a healthy immune system. If there is a way we can avoid serious cases of COVID-19, it is to boost the immune system. The good news is that there are so many simple ways this can be done [read Boost Your Immune System to understand the importance of the immune system and its role on natural immunity, and What can we do individually? to learn how you can better support your health].
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