Category: Natural Immunity
Dr. Knut Wittkowski: Lockdowns are creating a new epidemic
The transcript attached below was from an interview between Tania The Herbalist and epidemiologist Dr. Knut Wittkowski. The transcript was published in on March 22, 2021. In the interview Tania and Dr. Wittkowski discussed how lockdowns made things worse, and why it shouldn’t be used again. Dr. Wittkowski pointed out that politicians can never…
US will have herd immunity by April 2021
In this February 18, 2021 opinion article for the Wall Street Journal, surgeon and John Hopkins health policy expert Marty Makary says that the United States will have herd immunity by April 2021, which will allow life to return to normal. Makary points out the reality that cases have dropped by 77% in the past…
New cases plummeting and it is not due to vaccines
Cases around the world are plummeting, but it isn’t because of the vaccines and the lockdowns. In this February 26, 2021 article for Off Guardian, explains that the drop in COVID cases, deaths, and hospitalizations are in fact an effect of the lower testing thresholds, as was directed by the World Health Organization [see WHO…
Public Health England: Past COVID-19 infection gives vaccine-like immunity for months
In this January 14, 2021 article for Forbes, Robert Hart reports on a recent study by Public Health England which discovered that those who have recovered from COVID-19 have similar levels of immunity against future infections compared to those who received a coronavirus vaccine. According to the study, a previous COVID-19 infection provides 83% of…
Sebastian Rushworth: Sweden’s Herd Immunity approach worked
In this article published on his website last January 25, 2021, Dr. Sebastian Rushworth shows to us the results of antibody testing in Sweden showing that the number of population with antibodies to COVID-19 has been increasing consistently over the past few weeks starting October 2020. Using data from Folkhalsomyndigheten, Dr. Rushworth says that by…
Neil Ferguson: Herd immunity can be achieved in the UK before the end of the year
In this interview with The Times’ Andrew Gregory, Professor Lockdown, Neil Ferguson says that the UK will see a decline in infection, thanks to herd immunity. Ferguson says that as the virus has already run rampant in the past months, about a third of the population of London has already been infected. And as infection…
WHO deletes info on natural immunity on its website
The World Health Organization (WHO) has changed its definition of a core concept of immunology: herd immunity. In this article published last December 23, 2020, Jeffrey Tucker details how WHO changed the definition of herd immunity from something “that happens when a population is immune whether through vaccination or immunity developed through previous infection” to…
Singapore’s accidental COVID experiment shows proof of Great Barrington Declaration
In this December 23, 2020 article for the American Institute for Economic Research, author Ethan Yang explores how Singapore’s migrant worker reached herd immunity. Migrant workers in Singapore typically live in crowded (and often unsanitary conditions). When COVID found its way in the dormitories, the Singaporean government placed these dormitories on quarantine, frequent testing, and…
Asymptomatic people do not spread COVID-19
In this article written and published by Dr. Joseph Mercola on his website on December 4, 2020, he discusses the various evidence showing that asymptomatic people do not spread SARS-CoV-2. Mercola reiterates the growing medical consensus that RT-PCR tests cannot be used to diagnose COVID, and that it is only being used to create panic…
Kids develop coronavirus antibodies without testing positive
The following article published by Science Alert reports on the curious case of the Sawenko family, where parents got sick of COVID-19 while their children did not. The two boys, aged 9 and 7, had mild symptoms but their PCR tests were negative. Meanwhile, the 5-year old daughter, who co-slept with her parents showed no…