WEF, CBDC, and Digital ID: The Path Towards Digital Slavery

The article summarizes a report by the World Economic Forum (WEF) which is advocating for the use of (retail) central bank digital currencies (CBDCs) and the wholesale version (wCBDCs). Retail CBDCs are for the general public while wCBDCs are geared towards interbank payments and securities transactions. According to the WEF, wCBDCs are “transformative” and they will modernize financial markets.
With CBDCs, WEF notes that establishing digital ID frameworks is also essential because it will “enhance compliance with KYC (Know Your Customer), AML (Anti-Money Laundering) and CFT (Countering the Financing of Terrorism)” rules.
Editor’s Note: What is not mentioned in the WEF report is that CDBCs are also a threat to freedom [see Canadian experience shows glimpse of totalitarian future we can expect if citizens do not pushback, Why a move towards a cashless society should concern us all, Feds Colluded With Big Banks to Spy on Americans’ Financial Transactions, CBDC DIGITAL PRISON SLATED FOR IMPLEMENTATION IN 2024, Digital Society: Easy to Takedown and Control].
There’s nothing much that can be said here except that WEF is an enemy of humanity. Whatever initiatives they have, must be scrutinized. [See Understanding The Great Reset and Its Attack on Humanity: Part 1, Understanding The Great Reset and Its Attack on Humanity, Part 2: How the Different Attacks Reinforce Each Other, Understanding the Great Reset and Its Attack on Humanity, Part 3. Human Extinction, WEF Is Marching Us Toward A Life Of Passive Obedience, WEF’s 10 Most Chilling Vision Of The Future, The Ultimate Goal of the WEF is to Control and Change Life on Earth].
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I like to comment on this:
Digital ID frameworks is also essential because it will
1. Enhance compliance with KYC (Know Your Customer),
It should be the other way around. Customers should know their sellers, what they put into their products and what side effects do they have. Processed Food products are not safe these days. Customers should know why most product packaging are shifting to plastics instead of glass or tin or wax paper.
2. AML (Anti-Money Laundering)
Its the elites who are against money laundering. They hate competition on this. After they have laundered money into Cayman Islands accounts, they intend to close the competition by having anti-money laundering laws in several countries
3. CFT (Countering the Financing of Terrorism)” rules
Who is really behind the creation and financing of several terrorist groups? Its the elite brotherhood who plans chaos in order to put up a new order or government.
Now the elites are planning to “evaporate” our monies in the banks after they have secured almost all the gold for themselves.