February 9, 2025

Understanding The Great Reset and Its Attack on Humanity: Part 1

Understanding The Great Reset and Its Attack on Humanity: Part 1

The Year 2024 is going to be a decisive year for humanity. It is therefore very important for humanity to understand what it is facing in this year which will be full of unprecedented challenges for humanity. In this way, they can develop a deeper understanding of what lies ahead and be prepared to act accordingly.

We all know the details from 2023. We have read thousands of articles and viewed hundreds of hours of videos on it. “IT” is the Great Reset. “IT” is the conscious attempt to collapse human civilization as we know it and replace it with a dystopia that its perpetrators call progress. The Great Reset is the agenda of a New World Order (NWO).

Forget all that you know about what human civilizations looked like or should be. Those expectations are from the old normal. There will be a “New Normal”. This is the new normal of the Great Reset. Everything is changed and altered.

The Great Reset is not coming. It is here. Its manifestation pervades all aspects of life. It is in the process of totally dominating and controlling all the institutions of humanity. These institutions will no longer serve humanity. The New World Order has weaponized these institutions to enslave and destroy humanity.

There are very serious allegations. Unfortunately, they are all well-documented and the evidence for the takeover is all over the place.1 What is important now is to get an overview of the handiwork of the Great Reset. It will make it easier for awakening humanity to understand the seemingly unending barrage of insane laws and policies arising before them. Then it will dawn on people that we are entering perilous waters and dangerous times that are unprecedented in the history of humanity.

The list below is not exhaustive. The aim is to show that the world as we know it is in huge crisis. Planetary civilization, as we know it, will collapse if we do not turn around this barrage of destruction.

Here is a random list of some of the most important expressions of the Great Reset.

  • Endless Wars in Ukraine, Gaza and elsewhere
  • Pandemic scams and destructive lockdowns (yes, more pandemics are coming)
  • Massive extinction of species2
  • Climate change hoax
  • 24/7 surveillance
  • Digital IDs and Social Credit scores
  • Central Bank Digital Currencies
  • Culture Wars including aggressive forms of transgerderism3
  • Worldwide collapse of democracies
  • Food, hunger, and energy crisis
  • Financial crisis
  • Fascist government dictatorships
  • Failure of the Justice system worldwide
  • Massive censorship and disinformation
  • Institutions weaponized against people
  • Massive pedophilia
  • Public display of Satanic worship
  • Epidemic of depression and suicide
  • Legalized and medically assisted suicides
  • Promotion of Outrageous Transhumanist Scenarios and Policies
  • Dangerous Forms of Artificial Intelligence (AI)

We often read about these issues but cannot make sense of them. They do not seem to be connected, much less with the New World Order. It is important to remember that these different issues are not independent of each other. In reality, they are deeply connected. They co-produce each other.

The first step in understanding this interconnectedness is to cluster these alarming phenomena in any number of ways that would start making sense.

For example, as a first step, we can cluster these issues in various dimensions of civilization. Note that some of the Great Reset issues can also be placed as well in the other dimensions of a civilization. This just shows the interrelated nature of these developments. See the note on artificial intelligence below as an example.

Ecological Dimension

  • Massive extinction of species and Loss of biodiversity
  • Climate change hoax

Economic Dimension

  • Financial crisis
  • Central Bank Digital Currencies
  • Food, hunger, and energy crises
  • Dangerous Forms of AI4

Political Dimension

  • Worldwide collapse of democracies
  • Fascist government dictatorships
  • Government Institutions weaponized against the people
  • Failure of the justice system globally
  • Government-assisted suicide is legalized

Societal Dimension

  • Genocidal wars in Ukraine and Gaza
  • Pandemic scams and lockdowns
  • 24/7 Surveillance
  • Digital IDs and Social Credit Scores
  • Massive hunger and food crisis

Cultural Dimension

  • Culture Wars
  • Widespread Pedophilia
  • Massive censorship and disinformation
  • Epidemic of depression and suicide
  • Scientific Fraud

Human Dimension

  • Depression and Suicide

Spiritual Dimension

  • Public Display of Satan worship5

One is struck that the Great Reset is expressing its destruction and control in all the key dimensions of civilizations. The Great Reset is a fast-growing hyper-cancer destroying many aspects of civilization that we hold dear. The dimensional picture is a kind of anatomy of the systematic takeover of human civilizations by the Great Reset.

We can briefly summarize the discussion above in Figure 1 below. The seven dimensions of humanity’s dystopian future will be our New Normal. The latter is the result of the push for a Great Reset by the New World Order cabal of the world’s most wealthy and powerful individuals and institutions.

Figure 1. The Dystopian Dimensions of the Great Reset


The “anatomical” image of the Great Reset in Figure 1 and the civilizational dimensions above, while important, is not enough to give us a full idea of what humanity is up against. We need to complement this cancerous picture with another image that gives us a greater idea of how all these different dimensions work and how they interact to bring in the highly immoral and destructive, “New Normal” of the New World Order. In short, we need an image of the “physiology” of the Great Reset.

We will do this in Part 2 of this article which will be coming out within the week.

  1. Covid Call to Humanity’s website, https://covidcalltohumanity.org, has documented this takeover of humanity in thousands of articles and dozens of videos. https://rumble.com/c/CCH1333
  2. We are now in the 6th extinction event in our planet’s history. The past extinction events were due to rare natural events. Humanity is causing the 6th extinction event in what paleontologists are calling the Anthropocene. https://education.nationalgeographic.org/resource/anthropocene/ The 5th extinction event happened 65 or 66 million years ago and this was the time that the great dinosaurs vanished. https://www.livescience.com/mass-extinction-events-that-shaped-Earth.html
  3. To be very clear, CCH is not against persons who want to claim a transgender identity for themselves. It is their right to choose who they want to be. But they cross a societal redline and go off the rails when they want to enforce their own gender choices on innocent and malleable children, and other people, and blatantly disrupt biologically determined societal norms. Allowing males, who claim to be women, to participate in women’s sports is one among several examples of this unfair and unacceptable behavior that forces society to accommodate their explicit and aggressive denial of biological reality
  4. AI can also be placed in the political dimension. AI is extensively used in surveillance, censorship, and other control projects of the New World Order. AI can also be placed in the cultural dimension. It is closely allied to the agenda of science which is a way of producing reliable knowledge. This knowledge, in turn, spins off worldviews about the nature of reality and the values that emanate from that worldview. Nonetheless, I placed AI in the economic dimension category because, whether the world likes it or not, AI is mostly developed and released by large corporations often aligned with the New World Order.
  5. https://www.ojp.gov/ncjrs/virtual-library/abstracts/satan-wants-you-cult-devil-worship-america. This comes from the website of the Office of Justice Program (OJP) of the US Department of Justice. The OJP is the largest grant making program within the DOJ of the US. See also, https://www.wpr.org/not-so-subtle-subversiveness-satan-worship

1 thought on “Understanding The Great Reset and Its Attack on Humanity: Part 1

  1. Only a few people has the guts to know the truth of what is really going on with the world today. Paradise is long gone folks. Its time to wake up and realize the tyranny going on around you.

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