February 13, 2025

Finland Finds Proof of Fraudulent COVID Reporting, 40% of COVID Deaths Removed From Official Data

Finland Finds Proof of Fraudulent COVID Reporting, 40% of COVID Deaths Removed From Official Data

A new report from Finland has uncovered evidence of fraudulent COVID reporting. The article on this was written by Kyle Becker and was published by Becker News last November 3, 2022.

According to Sirkka Goebeler, chief specialist at the Finnish Institute for Health and Welfare (THL), COVID has not been the actual cause of death in up to 40% of fatalities attributed to the disease. As a result, they will be removed from Finland’s official COVID death data.

The article also showed that this same conflation of COVID data was happening in the US. Becker quotes Dr. Deborah Birx, COVID pandemic coordinator under Donald Trump, wherein Birx admitted to exaggerating COVID mortality rates. [Also read CDC removes tens of thousands of deaths “accidentally” attributed to COVID].

Editor’s Note: People might be tempted to say that governments did not know any better in 2020, but we beg to differ. We want to remind people that as early as 2020, several health experts were already speaking out against the system used for reporting COVID deaths [we have raised this issue with our government in an Open Letter and Briefing Paper in 2020, see AN OPEN LETTER TO RODRIGO R. DUTERTE President, Republic of the Philippines and COVID-19 PANDEMIC: THE PHILIPPINE EXPERIENCE].

Many were silenced through censorship. [Read The Pandemic of Censorship, This is how COVID-19 death rates in the US are manipulated, Lessons We Can Learn from COVID-19 Autopsies].

Now we want people to read back to this 2020 article Is there a coronavirus conspiracy? In that article, we asked why countries refuse to lift COVID restrictions. We said, “do they have a hidden agenda for exploiting fear?”

The revelations of the past two years, the increasingly authoritarian rule being imposed on countries worldwide, and the forced rollout of the Great Reset has proven that indeed, COVID was a manufactured crisis that would pave the way for other manufactured crises.

Even as the lies of 2020 are getting revealed, the push for social control is already underway [read Death Rate, Science, Lockdown, Fear, the “New Normal”, Vaccines, Social Control and the Immune System].

We must now utilize the new skills in critical thinking and analysis we have learned. Why are globalists allowing the truth to come out? What are they distracting us from?

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