Is there a coronavirus conspiracy?

In this article published on his own website, British author and general practitioner Vernon Coleman refers to the coronavirus pandemic as a “manufactured crisis” which will be used by opportunists to further their own agenda. It can become an excuse for the British government to withdraw its plan to leave the EU, as well as an opportunity for people in the government to grab power they wouldn’t otherwise be granted. And because people are afraid of the virus, Coleman adds, they will be more than happy to allow the government to implement the newly enacted Emergency Bill, which at closer scrutiny, effectively limits, if not remove civil liberties.
Coleman continues on to criticize the lack of debate and critical thinking, both within the government and British society in general. The basis of the government’s decisions, Coleman continues, is problematic. He questions the complete trust in Neil Ferguson and the anomalous recording of COVID-19 deaths [This issue as presented here by Coleman is echoed in the US by Dr. Anna Bukachek. To know more about the problem, read This Is How COVID-19 Death Rates In The US Are Manipulated. Also, to learn more about Ferguson, read Nicanor’s blog Death Rate, Science, Lockdown, Fear, the “New Normal”, Vaccines, Social Control and the Immune System].
Editor’s Note: The issues raised by Coleman in this article are being echoed across the world. Prolonged lockdown as a preferred approach to control the spread of COVID-19 is a threat to democracy, and a violation of human rights [see Austrian Minister Denounces The Use Of Fear-Based Strategy To Deal With COVID-19]. It was meant merely as a temporary measure to prepare countries for the impact of the virus on their healthcare systems.
The failure of countries to remove lockdowns means a couple of things: (1) they have failed to make the necessary precautions, in which case it is a sign of a government’s incompetence, (2) they are afraid of the second wave of infections, which only strengthens the position that these governments are incompetent and have failed to educate themselves of the true nature of the virus, and (3) Do they have the intention to prolong lockdowns in the hope of controlling power, money, and loyalty?
Countries like Taiwan, Vietnam, Japan, Singapore, New Zealand, Australia, Germany, Denmark, France, Finland, Netherlands, and many others show us that total lockdowns have to be lifted as soon as healthcare systems are ready to face the challenge ahead. Iceland and Sweden show us that lockdowns weren’t necessary in the first place. Why then can’t other countries follow suit? Are they incompetent, or do they have a hidden agenda for exploiting fear?
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