Chief Health Officer Signals Possible Return of Masks in Australia

Queensland chief health officer Dr. John Gerrard confirmed the possibility that masks will once again be mandated. The report on this was written by Duncan Murray and published by News.Com.Au last July 1, 2022.
According to the report, Queensland health authorities are now concerned with the high prevalence of immune-resistant COVID variants, which could potentially get worse in the coming weeks. The report also states that the current “wave” of infections is caused by BA.4 and BA.5.
Gerrard said, “We always knew that winter would be bad but this variant is being particularly nasty. Infection with this virus will be very common, you will know a lot of people infected with this strain of the virus in the coming weeks.”
Editor’s Note: If Gerrard thinks that masks work against COVID, then reinstating mask mandates is an admission that COVID shots do not work. [But masks, too, do not work, see Study shows 90% of particles can pass through cloth masks making them useless for preventing COVID transmission, Finland study shows vaccines, universal masking, useless against Delta variant, Danish mask study now published: Masks do not reduce SARS-CoV-2 infection, Compulsory masking is an assault on humanity].
The fear-mongering must commence long before the winter in order to program people into taking the “updated” versions of the COVID shots [see FDA Experts Approves Updating Of COVID Shots For A Variant That No Longer Exists].
After all, without new fear, how will they get people to take the vaccines when there are fewer people who are taking booster shots? In Image 1 below, it is clear that the demand for boosters has plateaued.

How else would Big Pharma profit and pay off regulatory agencies if no one wants to take the new shots? [Also read Study shows 90% of particles can pass through cloth masks making them useless for preventing COVID transmission, Compulsory masking is an assault on humanity].
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