Teachers May Be Coerced to Take the Covid Jab

In a March 3, 2022 article published in Manila Standard, Willie Casas reported that on Wednesday, March 2, Health Secretary Francisco Duque III said the government is looking at the possibility of mandating teachers to get vaccinated against COVID-19.
According to the report, the possibility of mandatory vaccination for teachers emerged amid the expansion phase of face-to-face classes and the de-escalation of Metro Manila and 38 other areas nationwide to Alert Level 1. Although, the Department of Education said mandatory inoculation for their learners was not required, although it was being encouraged. [See DepEd Chief Flipflops: Vaccination Not Required for Children Attending In-person Classes.]
Also, Duque said, “In fact, in some of our IATF (Inter-Agency Task Force) meetings, [Education] Secretary Leonor Briones has been very, very frank about the problem, with teachers being against vaccination which makes this a big problem if they refuse to be inoculated.” However, Duque added that more teachers now wanted to get themselves inoculated, noting that the vaccine hesitancy rate in the country had gone down to 8 percent.
Editor’s Note: It’s like reading all the local news funneled to vaccination alone and the encouragement to take the jab; however it takes for the authorities.
Clearly, there’s desperation to get to their objectives, thus using marketing strategies such as the bandwagon effect. Remember that World Economic Forum (WEF) has even put together a framework using the advertising “hierarchy of effects framework” to push out covid-19 vaccination propaganda? [See World Economic Forum Pushing Out Covid-19 Coercion Propaganda.]
It’s their way of pressuring teachers, too. There are reports of teaching staff and headteachers who suffered fatalities after taking the jab; how can they convince their close colleagues and family members to believe vaccine hesitancy dropped to 8%? Who are those survey proponents? We certainly have never been a respondent to any of these surveys!
DOH and DepEd should understand teachers are adept at researching; the information the former wants to conceal was dangling on the latter’s faces. Death is included as a possible side effect; therefore, making this vaccination mandatory is not only abusive but also illegal [see FDA knew COVID vaccines would lead to severe adverse events, sanitized info was given to people to prevent vaccine-hesitancy; WHO’s VigiAccess Shows More than Two Million Adverse Events Following COVID Vaccination; Expert Immunologist Cautions People on the Efficacy and Safety of COVID Vaccines; Study finds Pfizer jab goes into liver cells and is converted into DNA, confirms mRNA jab is gene therapy; Researchers find cases of MIS-C among vaccinated young people; Risk of Developing Acute Coronary Syndrome Increases After Vaccination; JAMA study shows 133x risk of myocarditis following COVID vaccination; Bayer Pharmaceuticals President Admits mRNA “Vaccines” are Cell and Gene Therapy; Pfizer’s Assassin Vaccine]
Why do these people keep pushing for the covid jab when clearly, even if they inoculate 100% of Filipinos, we will never reach herd immunity? [See Why Can’t COVID Vaccines Create Herd Immunity?]. What is the real motive of their tenacity to vaccinate as many Filipinos as possible when Iceland has already encouraged natural immunity over covid jab, to quote their Health Minister: “To achieve this, as many people as possible need to be infected with the virus as the vaccines are not enough, even though they provide good protection against serious illness.” [See Iceland: Vaccines Not Enough, as Many as Possible People Need to be Infected for herd immunity; South Africa eases most COVID restrictions, citing high population immunity.]
It has been two years since the start of the “pandemic,” and the contagious Omicron has swept across the Philippines. Why will our health authorities not recognize natural immunity? Why do they vilify its veracity? [See COVID-19: Why Are We Ignoring Infection-Acquired Immunity?; Natural Immunity Protects Against Omicron Variant: Study; EU Medical Chief: Natural immunity Against COVID Could be Offered by Omicron; New Study Shows Natural Immunity More Protective Over Time Than COVID Vaccination; Hundreds of Researches Confirm Natural Immunity is Complete and Longer-lasting, More Powerful than COVID Vaccines.]
Why remove people’s bodily autonomy when RA 11525 is very clear that these are experimental vaccines and have potential side effects? Why did the government give immunity to manufacturers when these jabs are all experimental? What will happen with the vaccine-injured? Is the indemnity fund for a vaccine-injured individual enough for hospitalization and subsequent therapies?
To all the teachers, stand firmly; the constitution protects you. Even the joint memorandum No 1 of Deped and DOH tells you that mandatory vaccination is not a pre-requisite to face-to-face classes. Assert your right! Resist! Resist! Resist!
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