In a February 19, 2022 article published in Inquirer, Leila B. Salaverria and Tina G. Santos reported that an infectious diseases expert advised the public against getting a second COVID-19 booster shot as it was still uncertain if that would offer enough benefits.
In a Laging Handa briefing, Dr. Edsel Salvana said, “As of now, our recommendation is to not get a fourth dose, do not get a second booster for now, because its efficacy is not yet certain versus any possible side effects.”
Salvana added that if a second booster dose or fourth shot would be offered, it might only be given to a targeted sector, such as healthcare workers highly exposed to the coronavirus and the vulnerable population.
Editor’s Note: This report tells us that Salvana seemed to be aware that boosters are unnecessary in mitigating covid-19 [see FDA advisory committee votes against booster shots, vaccine risks outweigh benefits especially for children].
Evidence is mounting that covid jab has zero protection for immunocompromised [see Fully vaccinated and boosted: Should you take the 4th vaccine dose if you are immunocompromised?].
Are we still buying the idea that covid is deadly? That covid jabs can protect and inhibit infection? That narrative has been demolished by omicron. Why do you have to use a covid jab made from 2020 to stop an evolved variant in 2022? Other countries have already lifted covid restrictions amidst the soaring cases. As Dr. Camilla Holten-Møller, head of the Expert Group for Mathematical Modelling at the Danish Health Institute explained: “…And that’s why we see these really high case numbers each day, but we don’t really see it the severity or in hospitals. So patients go to the hospital because a lot of people with COVID, but not necessarily ill from the COVID.” [See Denmark Ends All Covid-related Restrictions Despite High Covid Cases and How Denmark decided COVID isn’t a critical threat to society].
Also, European and Middle Eastern health authorities warned the public about repeated booster shots, can eventually lead to immune system fatigue [see EMA Warns Against Frequent Booster Shots; Do European Union Drug Regulators Finally See Booster Shots as Unnecessary?; Israeli Prime Minister Says Second Booster Safe, Experts Say Otherwise]. Even WHO cautions against boosters using the original covid jab for new emerging variants [see WHO: Boosters Using Original COVID Vaccines not Appropriate or Sustainable].
Salvana must be employing critical thinking this time. However, his words “for now” seem to be conditional. Where are we heading from here? Second booster shots, third and fourth until the recipient’s body can no longer take it? Our government needs somebody who says NO because scientific evidence says so, not because big pharma dictates the rule.
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