Randy Hillier: Investigate the sudden deaths among young people

Randy Hillier: Investigate the sudden deaths among young people

Randy Hillier, a member of the Ontario Provincial Parliament (OPP), wrote and released a letter last October 25, 2021 asking the OPP to investigate the many unexplained deaths among young people in the province.

Here are some of the most pertinent details of that letter:

  • There have been a tragic increase in sudden death in young individuals, some as young as 14 years. He says, “The increasing prevalence of these deaths is cause for great concern that may merit further investigation on the grounds of criminal negligence and culpable homicide”.
  • A significantly disproportionate number of reported adverse reactions have occurred among young males aged 12 to 24. This has led the Ontario government to recommend the use of Pfizer over Moderna over this age group, but Moderna continues to be used for this age group with “informed consent”.
  • Serious adverse effects such as myocarditis and pericarditis occur at a much higher rate among the young demographic.

Hillier concludes his letter with the following words: “To knowingly continue to allow unexplained deaths without investigation is nothing short of criminal negligence by omission and deception…The social murder inflicted upon our population in the name of public health will have disastrous consequences for generations to come. History will accordingly remember those who abdicated their leadership obligations to the citizenry, and those who courageously defended the interests of the people in the face of an unprecedented slide into authoritarianism perpetuated by our governments.”

Editor’s Note: How many sudden deaths have occurred among young people in Ontario in the past months? How many of these occurrences were among the vaccinated population? How many days since vaccination did these deaths occur? [Also see Government report shows more than 100 Ontario youth sent to hospital for vaccine-related heart problems].

The fact that Hillier has been forced to ask the OPP to investigate these deaths mean that there is now a substantial number of reports to warrant this action.

We add this article to serve as a word of warning among parents. Is this a possibility you want to subject your children to?

We reiterate this position: There is no reason for your young children to take the COVID vaccine. They are not at all at risk of deaths due to COVID [see CDC updates planning scenarios, shows IFR lower than flu, Why is the coronavirus sparing kids?]. You should also know that it would be in the best interest of your child to actually catch the virus because this is the only thing that can give them long-lasting immunity against it [Also read New study shows the path towards endemic COVID, The Science is Clear: Our Immune System Can Confer Natural Immunity Against COVID and its Variants]. We are not asking you to “sacrifice” your children, because very few children would be symptomatic from the virus, and if ever they would develop symptoms, it is typically mild.

Also remember, if you want your children to take the vaccine “just to be sure”, then you had better realize that this is not a harmless endeavor. There are now numerous verified adverse events following COVID vaccination of children, some leading to death [see COVID Vaccines for Children are as Fatal as for Adults’, Journal article confirms younger males at higher risk of myocarditis following COVID vaccination, VAERS cases, “just the tip of the iceberg”, One in 9 Children Suffered Severe Adverse Reaction from the COVID Vaccine, Experts assess safety and necessity of Moderna COVID-19-mRNA-Vaccine for children, Expert evidence regarding the use of Pfizer COVID-19 mRNA Vaccine for children ].

Moreover, COVID vaccines could seriously impair your child’s immune system making them susceptible to infection and other diseases [see UK Government Data: Vaccinated are Seeing their Immune Response Plummet by About 5% Each Week, No justification for vaccine passports: UK data shows fully vaccinated more prone to COVID infection than unvaccinated, Covid-Injection Lowers Natural Immunity by five- to six-fold].

But the dangers do not stop there. There is also a high probability that your children will develop chronic illnesses, neurodegenerative illnesses, among others [Experimental mRNA vaccines could cause long term chronic illnesses, Long-term dangers of experimental mRNA shots, Peer-reviewed research shows mRNA vaccines can cause neurodegenerative diseases].

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