Journal article confirms younger males at higher risk of myocarditis following COVID vaccination, VAERS cases, “just the tip of the iceberg”

Journal article confirms younger males at higher risk of myocarditis following COVID vaccination, VAERS cases, “just the tip of the iceberg”

The following is a journal pre-proof published by Current Problems in Cardiology last October 1, 2021. It was written by Jessica Rose and Dr. Peter McCullough.

The report analyzed data from the US Vaccine Adverse Events Reporting System (VAERS) and found the following:

  • There is 19 times the expected number of myocarditis within the 8 weeks that COVID-19 products were given to the 12-to-15-year-old age group.
  • There is a 5-fold increase in myocarditis following second dose as opposed to a single dose in 15-year-old males. A total of 67% of these cases took place following a Pfizer vaccination.
  • Out of the total myocarditis cases, 6 died, with two of them under 20 years old. One of those who died was only 13 years.

The authors assert that the VAERS report shows that myocarditis is NOT RARE, but instead, it is “just the tip of the iceberg” as cases are often overlooked or are underreported. [Remember, VAERS only captures less than 1% of true adverse effects, also see Scientists Sound Alarm: Vaccines Will Kill Millions].

The report concludes with the following words: “It is reasonable to use the precautionary principle in this particular setting since an alarming number of reports are coming from young males between the ages of 12 and 15. Boys of these ages should be carefully monitored for warning signs of myocarditis which many may pass off such as pallor, chest pain, shortness of breath or lethargy, following dose 1 with the aim of seeking prompt evaluation and avoiding dose 2”.

Editor’s Note: This report from Rose and McCullough corroborates the findings of an earlier research showing that boys aged 12 to 15 are at high risk of developing myocarditis following vaccination [see Vaxxed adolescents six times more likely to suffer heart problems than from COVID-19]. The difference with Rose and McCullough’s analysis is that the rate of myocarditis among vaccinated boys is even much higher than was originally estimated.

Now we must remember that several Scandinavian countries have already stopped the use of Moderna for younger people due to “possible cardiovascular effects” [see Sweden, Denmark pause use of Moderna COVID vaccine for younger age groups due to side effects].

Shouldn’t governments pause the use of Pfizer too, seeing that it is causing the same side effects? [Also see FDA adds heart inflammation warning to Pfizer, Moderna experimental vaccines and EMA finds vaccine link to heart inflammation].

Why are governments still pretending that these COVID vaccines are safe when their own data is showing that these injections are dangerous? [Also read Covid Vaccines are Bioweapons for Mass Genocide].

Why does anyone think it is ethical to experiment on our children? [Also read FDA advisory committee votes against booster shots, vaccine risks outweigh benefits especially for children, School Closures and Masking Kids are Irrational, Unscientific, and Child abuse, Singapore acknowledges dangers of vaccinating children and teenagers].

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