Why doesn’t natural immunity count in the US?

In this September 13, 2021 article for The BMJ, Jennifer Block discusses the political hindrances of acknowledging that natural immunity is “at least as protective as vaccination”.
Block cites several experts such as Monica Gandhi, Florian Krammer, and Marty Makary who all say that COVID-recovered individuals do not need the vaccine and that it was better to allocate shots to those who were most at-risk of the disease [Makary has also repeatedly stressed that natural immunity works and that the unvaccinated offer no threat to the vaccinated, see Dr. Marty Makary: Unvaccinated pose no risk to the vaccinated]. In fact, an email from Dr. Anthony Fauci sent to bioethicist Ezekiel Emanuel on March 4, 2020, said, “you would assume that their [sic] would be substantial immunity post-infection”.1
The case for ignoring natural immunity in the US is based, not on science, but on the politics and the complexity of implementing exemptions based on it. Alfred Sommer, dean emeritus of the Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health said, “It’s a lot easier to put a shot in their arm…To do a PCR test and do an antibody test and then to process it and then to get the information to them and then to let them think about it – it’s a lot easier to just give them the damn vaccine”.
Editor’s Note: There are so many insights coming from this article, so we recommend that you go to the original article as linked below.
For the purpose of our analysis, however, we want to highlight the change in Fauci’s position about natural immunity. In 2020, he readily said that natural immunity offers protection, but these days, his tone is very different [see Fauci sidesteps latest developments in natural immunity]. Again, this is no surprise given that Fauci has been caught lying several times already [see Fauci caught lying again, this time about NIAD’s ties with Wuhan Lab, Incriminating emails show Fauci in collusion with Big Tech, Big Pharma, mainstream media, and CDC, Fauci dials in the fear, says Lambda worse than Delta].
We also want to say that implementing a “pass” for natural immunity is not complex. It is already being done in Italy and Israel [see Italy’s Green Pass recognizes natural immunity and Israel’s vaccine pass will expire 6 months after second dose, people will need booster shots to enter non-essential businesses]. What makes it “complicated” is the fact that governments will have to answer why they took so long to implement this change when the studies showing that natural immunity is superior to vaccination has been available since the start of the pandemic [here are a few of those studies, New study found pre-existing SARS-CoV-2 immunity in general population, Natural immunity triggered by COVID infection superior to vaccine-induced immunity, New study from Cleveland Clinic shows vaccine provides no added benefit to those who already had COVID]. A “pass” based on natural immunity also means that the government can no longer implement universal vaccine mandates, which also invalidates the use of vaccine passes [see Immune system has 27x more protective power than vaccines: Case for COVID vaccine passports demolished].
This will put into question all the policies recently outlined by Biden, and the forced vaccination implemented by hospitals and universities. In the same way, once the US implements a pass based on natural immunity, countries that follow their lead will do the same way, and hence, the market for vaccines will start to decline, especially as people start to discover that majority of COVID cases actually recover [see CDC updates planning scenarios, shows IFR lower than flu, and New estimates put COVID infection fatality rate at 0.15%].
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Please look up CAIR2 which is California’s Vaccine Registry. This registry has rules that can authorize a vaccine exemption but in my opinion breaks the HIPAA-protected medical records privacy act, when they require the doctor/pediatrician and parent to submit the patient’s personal and private medical records to them, to make an assessment/decision to allow an exemption. These people are NOT GODS, they are actively practicing Russian Roulette, as they AUTHORIZE one exemption and DENY another. Vaccines, and not just Covid-19 vaccines, have injured, maimed, and KILLED millions of people. We SHOULD BE ALLOWED TO CHOOSE MEDICAL FREEDOM. We have a RIGHT to protect our children against this POISON! As Jesus said, “Suffer the little children to come to me”. He also said, “But whoso shall cause one of these little ones who believe in Me to fall, it were better for him that a millstone were hung about his neck, and that he were drowned in the depth of the sea.”
Our religious freedom and right to choose is being violated and raped daily. We will NOT comply. We should not have to sign a paper to avoid an injection. NO should be ENOUGH!