Category: Health Reset
Gates, DARPA Funds CRISPR-based Pandemic Early Warning Surveillance System
Scientists funded by the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation (Gates Foundation) and the US Department of Defense’s Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) are developing a proprietary early warning system to “detect and characterize deadly pathogens”. The new technology is powered by CRISPR gene-editing technology and will be launched in Africa first before it is…
Top Journal Links Autoimmune Disorders to COVID Shots
In an article published in July 3, 2023, top journal Science has finally acknowledged the growing acceptance that the COVID shots can lead to long-COVID-like symptoms which they refer to as “long vax”. According to the article, there is not enough research to understand the mechanism that causes these symptoms, but they believe that it…
Mainstream Media Covers Results of Scottish COVID Inquiry Report: No Evidence to Support COVID Lockdowns
A report released by the Scottish COVID Inquiry shows that there there was no evidence to support the Scottish government’s draconian COVID lockdowns and restrictions. The report, written by Dr. Ashley Croft, a Consultant Public Health Physician and Medical Epidemiologist, said that “there was insufficient evidence… or alternatively, no evidence to support the use of…
Media Misleads Filipinos, Claims Pandemic Treaty Is Supported by Philippines
In a June 28, 2023 article for The Philippine Star, Pia Lee-Brago says that the Philippines supports the Pandemic Treaty. For her article, Lee-Brago interviewed Ambassador Evan Garcia, the Philippines’ Permanent Representative to the United Nations who “expressed full support to ensuring that the ‘INB process results in a WHO CA+ that is just, fair…
Swiss Study Finds Heart Injury Due To COVID Shots 20x Higher Than Previously Claimed
A study published by the European Journal of Heart Failure has found that COVID vaccine-induced myocardial injury is more common than previously thought, with those receiving booster vaccination at higher risk of experiencing myocardial injury. The researchers state that the “symptoms may be unspecific, mild or even absent, maybe escaping passive surveillance”. Editor’s Note: To…
Alex Jones: Biden Admin Preparing To Bring Back Full COVID Restrictions, Rollout to Begin By September
In an August 18, 2023 broadcast, Alex Jones from revealed that the Biden administration is setting the stage to bring back draconian COVId restrictions such as a full lockdown and masking requirements. According to Jones, whistleblowers from the TSA and Border Patrol have confirmed that the agencies are in the process of completing new…
Yesterday, the Supreme Court dismissed the petitions of Nicanor Perlas of CCH, among other petitioners, to declare as illegal the mandatory vaccination program of the government. This was not a decision based on the merits of the case. It was a decision based on technicalities regarding the need to follow the principle of hierarchy of…
FDA Detects Serious Safety Signal for COVID-19 Vaccination Among Children
Researchers from the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) found that vaccinated children aged 12 to 17 years are at increased risk of heart inflammation. The study, published in the Journal of the American Medical Association (JAMA) found that the elevated risk was present within seven (7) days of vaccination. Despite the safety signal for…
Mainstream media finally acknowledges: Lockdown benefits a drop in the bucket compared to the costs
A landmark study conducted by scientists from Johns Hopkins University and Lund University has concluded that the draconian measures such as lockdowns only had “’ negligible impact’ on Covid mortality and were a ‘policy failure of gigantic proportions’”. Compared with the less strict policies adopted by Sweden, lockdowns prevented as few as 1,700 deaths in…
Facemasks return at Tour De France
Organizers of Tour de France are reintroducing the masks this year in an attempt to “mitigate the risks of COVID-19 transmission among participants”. According to the article published by Cycling News, face masks will be mandatory for riders, team staff, and race officials during mass gatherings such as podium ceremonies, team presentations, and media interactions.…