July 27, 2024

Alex Jones: Biden Admin Preparing To Bring Back Full COVID Restrictions, Rollout to Begin By September

Alex Jones: Biden Admin Preparing To Bring Back Full COVID Restrictions, Rollout to Begin By September

In an August 18, 2023 broadcast, Alex Jones from Infowars.com revealed that the Biden administration is setting the stage to bring back draconian COVId restrictions such as a full lockdown and masking requirements.

According to Jones, whistleblowers from the TSA and Border Patrol have confirmed that the agencies are in the process of completing new memorandums and policies that would reimplement masking by mid-September. Whistleblowers said that this new rollout will coincide with the discovery of a new COVID variant which is being highlighted by mainstream organizations this week.

Editor’s Note: Alex Jones was right when he said that we can prevent COVID-style lockdowns if we resist early. Take note that the people orchestrating it are testing the waters to see if their plan will be accepted or not. If we allow them to return any of the illogical COVID restrictions they imposed in the past, then we will be guilty of laying down our freedom.

For Filipinos, we must remember that if SB 1869 becomes law, we will lose the capacity to speak out against these draconian and authoritarian policies. Whether Alex Jones and his whistleblowers were right or not, the reality is that we must act now, while we still can.

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