Mainstream Media Covers Results of Scottish COVID Inquiry Report: No Evidence to Support COVID Lockdowns

A report released by the Scottish COVID Inquiry shows that there there was no evidence to support the Scottish government’s draconian COVID lockdowns and restrictions.
The report, written by Dr. Ashley Croft, a Consultant Public Health Physician and Medical Epidemiologist, said that “there was insufficient evidence… or alternatively, no evidence to support the use of face masks outside healthcare settings, lockdowns, social distancing and test, trace and isolate measures in 2020’”. He adds: “The evidence base has not changed materially in the intervening three years.”
Croft also concludes that the restrictive measures implemented during the height of COVID resulted in “individual, societal, and economic harm that was avoidable and should not have occurred”.
Editor’s Note: This article is important because it is proof that the draconian policies instituted by governments to “stop” COVID were unnecessary, and should not be repeated.
Now, when would governments launch their own COVID inquiries to assess which of the strategies they utilized were effective and which ones were not? Perhaps governments already knew the damage they were making. After all, from the beginning, there was no indication that the draconian policies were effective at controlling epidemics [see Will the real WHO please stand up?].
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