Category: Health Reset
German FOI Request Shows that COVID “Pandemic” Was A Fraud
Documents released by the Robert Koch Institute (RKI) through a Freedom of Information request initiated by Paul Schreyer and the Multipolar Magazine show that the recommendation of the RKI to lockdown was not based on technical assessment, but on “political instruction of an external actor, an employee of the RKI, whose name has been redacted…
Fear vs. Fact: Sensationalism and Accountability of the World Health Organization
The article talks about how the US government reacted to scares about bioterrorism and pandemics. It states that the government spent a lot of money on vaccines and programs to defend against these threats, even though the actual dangers were often exaggerated. It also criticizes the World Health Organization’s response to diseases like Ebola, suggesting…
New Draft Amendments to the WHO International Health Regulations Still Riddled With Problems
In this article for the Daily Sceptic, former World Health Organization (WHO) consultant, Dr. David Bell and Dr. Thi Thuy Van Dinh (LLM, PhD) discuss changes from the original draft of the International Health Regulations (IHR), and their implications for public health. [The WHO withdrew the first draft due to widespread resistance, see WHO withdraws…
Dr. Hillary Cass’ Comprehensive Support for Transgender Youth
The article discusses an upcoming landmark report, led by Dr. Hillary Cass, a pediatrician, regarding the support and medical treatment of transgender children. The report is anticipated to advise against rushing children onto a path to change gender and instead recommend counseling to address potential mental health issues they may have. Editor’s Note: The emphasis…
WHO Official Testifies in Court: Government Knew in 2021 That Vaccines Were Ineffective, Vaccine Passports Were Useless
In this April 12, 2024, article, Investigative journalist Paul Thacker reports on the stunning revelations of Dr. Hanna Nohynek in a court case against vaccine passports filed by Finnish citizen Mika Vauhkala [Vauhkala created a website to discuss his case, visit it here]. Nohynek testified in a court that the Finnish Institute for Health knew…
The Heat is On: “Health” Over Socioeconomic Realities in Quezon City
Manila Mayor Honey Lacuna-Pangan has instructed all government units in the city to create a Heat Index Action Plan Matrix to address extreme heat during the El Niño season. The plan seeks to set guidelines for when residents should stay indoors, suspend outdoor activities, classes, and work, and reduce water usage by businesses during periods…
The Great COVID Cover-up: Shocking truth about Wuhan and 15 federal agencies
This article by Fox News reports on the recent investigation conducted by the Senate Homeland Security and Government Affairs Committee headed by Sen. Rand Paul. It reveals the extent of collusion of public officials to cover up the origins of COVID-19. The report asserts that government officials from 15 federal agencies were aware of the…
Expert Fearmonger: BIRD Flu Being Postured To Become the Next Scamdemic
The article discusses concerns raised by experts about the potential for bird flu to trigger the next human pandemic. The forewarning was prompted by a case in the US where a person contracted the disease from a cow, implying that the highly pathogenic H5N1 strain is becoming better at spreading. The article also compares the…
Whooping Cough Vaccination Efforts in Quezon City Amidst Confusion and Concerns
This article highlights the outbreak of whooping cough (pertussis) that has been reported in Quezon City, Philippines, with 23 cases since the beginning of the year. The Department of Health (DOH) plans to provide a million doses of pertussis vaccine by June 2024. However, there’s confusion about the number of reported cases and deaths related…
FDA Agrees to Delete Its Disinformation Regarding Ivermectin, Dr. Pierre Kory Explains Why
In this article, Dr. Pierre Kory summarizes the evidence showing how Big Pharma used the US Food and Drug Administration and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention to launch a massive campaign to vilify ivermectin, an FDA-approved drug which Kory says is “one of the (if not the) safest prescribed medications in history”. Kory…