Category: Freedom Reset
Questioning the Ethical Landscape: QCPD’s Face Recognition Initiative
The Quezon City Police District (QCPD) will implement a new face recognition app through the Unified Intelligence and Investigation Center (UIIC) to enhance crime prevention in the city. It involves taking a suspect’s photo, sending it to the QCPD Cyberpatroller Group, and cross-matching it in a unified system. This app allows quick identification of suspects’…
Hong Kong’s New Domestic Security Could Suppress Dissent, Freedom
Hong Kong’s opposition-free legislature has passed Article 23 or the Safeguarding National Security Bill. The new bill has increased the penalty for five types of offenses – treason, insurrection, sabotage, external interference, theft of state secrets, and espionage. Various members of the legislative council have called the occasion an “important milestone” while Chief Executive John…
Trudeau Government Used Fake Intelligence To Frame Protesting Truckers As Violent Extremists
Using data obtained by Public through the Canada’s Freedom of Information Law, we now have evidence that Justin Trudeau’s government did not just illegally use the Emergencies Act. [See Court Rules Trudeau’s Use Of Emergency Act on Canadian Truckers Illegal]. He also used fake intelligence to frame Freedom Convoy protesters. According to the Public, “This…
Digital Society: Easy to Takedown and Control
In this article for Global Research, Peter Koenig analyzes the global push towards digitalization and the rapid rollout of the untested 5G and 6G technology. According to Koenig, says that the rollout of the 5G and 6G technologies is connected to the globalist desire to control the world. He questions the undisclosed health impacts of…
What If Money Expired?
In this November 14, 2023 article for Noema, Jacob Baynham explores the possible consequences to society and the economy if money had an expiration date. First Baynham recalls the history of money and then he introduces us to Silvio Gesell, a German entrepreneur who wanted to make money that decays over time. Gesell believed that…
$10: The Price of Your Freedom According To Facebook
Privacy regulations in Europe is “forcing” Meta to roll out an ad-free subscription option in the European Union, Norway, Iceland, Lichtenstein, and Switzerland. Critics have spoken up against what they call as “Meta’s latest attempts to resist real change”. Tobias Judin, spokesperson for Norway’s privacy watchdog, Datatilsynet, does not believe that the pay-for-privacy model will…
Biden: No Possibility of Cease-Fire in Gaza
In a statement to the press, US President Joe Biden said that there is “no possibility” of a cease-fire in the Gaza Strip. Editor’s Note: Anyone who has been following the Ukraine war knows that this was also how that war began – with Biden urging the Ukrainian government to reject negotiations with Russia, promising…
Your Brain: The Battle Field Of the Future
In this October 21, 2023 article written by Peter Koenig for Global Research, he discussed the future of warfare and how advancements in neuroscience and technology are blurring the lines between the human brain and battlefield technologies. He highlights the development of brain-computer interfaces and the potential ethical and security concerns they raise. Koenig emphasizes…
Hackers Defacing Website of House of Representatives Shows Philippines Not Ready For Digitalization
According to this report from Inquirer.Net, hackers defaced the House of Representatives in the Philippines with a troll face meme with the words “You’ve been hacked”, “Have a nice day” and “Happy April Fullz Kahit October palang! Fix your Website.” Editor’s Note: While we appreciate the convenience offered to us by digitalized government transactions, it…
Why Taking Sides in the Israel-Hamas Conflict Will Make Matters Worse
In this October 13, 2023 article for his website, Scott Ritter, a former intelligence officer for the US Marine Corps and a weapons inspector for the United Nations Special Commission (UNSCOM) reflects on the Israel-Hamas conflict. He explains how (and why) he reevaluated his support for Israel, saying that he can no longer support Israel’s…