Category: Treatment for COVID-19
Phil governors call for use of Ivermectin
In this April 7, 2021 article for the Manila Bulletin, writer Chito Chavez covers on a recent statement from the League of Provinces of the Philippines (LPP). LPP President and Marinduque governor Presbitero Velasco Jr. said that the country’s Food and Drug Administration (FDA) should run extensive studies to determine the possibility of using Ivermectin,…
Ramon Tulfo speaks about Ivermectin, asks Phil. Health secretary and head of FDA to resign for alleged corruption
The following is an 11-minute video recorded by Raffy Tulfo, a Filipino broadcast journalist, columnist, radio presenter and television personality whose work focuses on government and private sector issues. It was published by Tulfo on his YouTube account last April 4, 2021. Tulfo is speaking mainly in Filipino. In this video, Tulfo alleges that there…
Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation funds global Ivermectin clinical trial
In this February 11, 2021 article from Trial Site News, we learn that the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, the same organization that funded 15 vaccine companies to develop experimental vaccines for COVID-19 has just funded a clinical trial to test the effectiveness of Ivermectin in treating the disease. The principal investigator is Edward Mills…
WHO-sponsored preliminary review indicates Ivermectin effectiveness
In this article originally published by Swiss Policy Research on December 31, 2020, we see a public presentation given by Dr. Andrew Hill. Dr. Hill is the spearhead of a World Health Organization (WHO)-sponseored meta-analysis of randomized control trials of Ivermectin for the treatment of symptomatic COVID-19. Based on Dr. Hill’s preliminary results, he found…
Doctor responds to PMA memo: Can we not do our share as physicians to do everything possible to save every life we can?
This article features two documents. The first is the Memorandum Circular No. 2021-03-27-054 from the Philippine Medical Association which reminded doctors to only prescribed medicines duly approved by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA). Though the memo did not mention any specific drug, it was clear that this was referring to Ivermectin as the document…
Judge orders hospital to use Ivermectin COVID patient, 80-year old woman recovers
The following news was reported by Dan Herbeck at The Buffalo News last January 29, 2021. Judith Smentkiewicz, an 80-year old woman, contracted COVID-19 and was “on a ventilator, literally on her death bed” and had a 20% chance of survival. The doctors at the hospital also told the family that Smentkiewicz will be on…
Impracticality turning to stupidity
In this March 26, 2021 article for The Philippine Daily Inquirer, Jose Ma. Montelibano reacts to the Ivermectin debate and the use of masks in the Philippines. Of Ivermectin he says, “Why are there so many believers when Ivermectin remains largely unknown to most Filipinos? One simple reason. Ivermectiv offers hope.” On masks, Montelibano had…
FLCCC calls on govt to end all restrictions, use Ivermectin
This 1 hour 15 minute press conference by the Front Line COVID-19 Critical Care Alliance (FLCCC) was live streamed on YouTube last March 18, 2021 has an important message for governments around the world. Through expert testimonies of doctors and physicians from the US, UK, EU, South America and Israel, the FLCCC urges government to…
Philippine doctor suggests six urgent steps to turn the corona-crisis around
The following is an article written by Dr. Rafael Castillo for The Philippine Daily Inquirer. It was published on March 22, 2021. In this article, Dr. Castillo says that in the face of rapidly mutating virus, vaccination may not be the best solution. Dr. Castillo also shares his insight regarding “escape mutations” of SARS-CoV-2. He…
How did India flatten its COVID curve?
The following is an article written by Dr. Prenit Desai, Mr. Preetam Chavan, Dr. Kshipra Gharpure, Dr. Chitra Bargaje and Dr. Dhananjay Bakhle. It was published by Covexit on March 1, 2021. In this article, the authors reveal how the Indian Council for Medical Research (ICMR) has utilized treatment using medicines and certified regimens for…