September 20, 2024

Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation funds global Ivermectin clinical trial

Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation funds global Ivermectin clinical trial

In this February 11, 2021 article from Trial Site News, we learn that the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, the same organization that funded 15 vaccine companies to develop experimental vaccines for COVID-19 has just funded a clinical trial to test the effectiveness of Ivermectin in treating the disease. The principal investigator is Edward Mills from McMaster University in Ontario. Aside from Ivermectin, Mills will also be studying fluvoxamine for COVID-19 treatment under the program The Together Trial.

Aside from the Gates Foundation, the study was also funded by the Fastgrants, a collaboration of technology philanthropists.

Editor’s Note: We don’t know about you, but we think that instead of relying on the Gates Foundation, countries should fund their own clinical trials. Gates have had too much “contribution” to our world today, and though he may be the richest person in the world today, we cannot say that he is the most well-meaning [see WHO insider blows whistle on Gates and GAVI global health dictatorship]. We also know that Gates Foundation is a vaccine advocate [see Bill Gates: Life will only return to normal after a second generation of COVID-19 vaccines and SARS-CoV-2 eliminated globally]. Can we really trust that the study he will fund will knowingly place his business in jeopardy? [Read this how the Gates Foundation can profit from vaccines in this feature from The Nation: While the Poor Get Sick, Bill Gates Just Gets Richer].

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