Category: Natural Immunity
New York Times: Immunity to coronavirus may last for years
Reinfection of the coronavirus may not be a major issue after all, as several scientific studies are already showing that the human body can mount a successful, long-lasting immune response. In this article for The New York Times, Apoorva Mandavilli cites a new study conducted by several researchers from the Center for Infectious Disease and…
What bats can teach humans about coronavirus immunity
In this article for JSTOR Daily, Lina Zeldovich looks at the unique capacity of bats to co-exist with several viruses. Zeldovich says, “Unlike humans, bats don’t develop an outsized immune system response. The hypothesis is that they somehow suppress the inflammation and co-exist with the viruses”. Other theories on the high infection tolerance among bats include:…
Swiss immunologist explains existing immunity to SARS-CoV-2 and the myth of asymptomatic carriers
The following article is the translated version of Beda M. Stadler’s German article originally published by the Weltwoche magazine last June 10, 2020. The article was written towards the end of summer, and delves into the issue of pre-existing immunity to SARS-CoV-2, PCR testing and the expected increase in cases, as well as the imminent…
BBC: Indian scientists suggest that unsanitary conditions saved lives from severe COVID-19
Two new papers written by Indian scientists suggest that low hygiene, lack of clean drinking water, and unsanitary conditions may have actually saved many lives from COVID-19 complications. One paper shows that high income countries had higher COVID-19 mortality. A second paper looks at the role of the human microbiome in boosting the human immune…
Epidemiologists on the cost of lockdown, the science of immunity, and the politicization of the pandemic
In this October 23, 2020 article for the Wall Street Journal (WSJ), Tunku Varadarajan interviews Martin Kuldorff and Dr. Jay Bhattacharya, co-authors of The Great Barrington Declaration, a few weeks after the Declaration was published [see The Great Barrington Declaration: Life must return to normal for the healthy, the vulnerable must be protected]. In the…
CNN Report: Immunity to SARS-CoV-2 last for months
A new study published by the Science journal and reported by the CNN shows that immunity to COVID-19 lasts for at least five months, possibly longer. The study was conducted among 30,000 people who tested positive for COVID-19 at the Mount Sinai’s Health System from March to October. According to the study, 90% of those…
Taiwan just went 200 days without local transmission
The following article was published by CNN last October 30, 2020. As the title implies, it reports on the 200th consecutive day without locally transmitted COVID-19 in Taiwan. It also discusses how Taiwan made this achievement. It said, “Taiwan has never had to enact strict lockdowns. Nor did it resort to drastic restrictions on civil…
SARS-CoV-2 will probably become endemic
In this article for the World Economic Forum Hans Heesterbeek, professor of Theoretical Epidemiology from the Utrecht University says that COVID-19 will not be eradicated quickly, even when vaccines becomes available. Heesterbeek says that a more realistic scenarios is that SARS-CoV-2 will be added to the “(large and growing) family of infectious diseases that are…
Study: 80% of people with coronavirus in UK have no symptoms
In this article published by the CNBC last October 8, 2020, reports on the results of the study conducted by the University College London (UCL). According to the research, 86.1% of those who tested positive for the virus did not report “core symptoms” associated with COVID-19. The researchers concluded: “COVID-19 symptoms are poor markers of…
This year, COVID-19 has killed off the flu
The Southern Hemisphere has skipped flu season this year and surveillance data from the World Health Organization is showing that flu rates is declining everywhere in the world. In fact, data is showing that flu cases have plummeted by 98% this year. In this opinion article for RT, Peter Andrews, an Irish science journalist and…