Category: Natural Immunity
Study From Iceland Shows COVID Reinfection Rises With Number of Vaccine Doses
In this August 15, 2022 article for The Daily Sceptic, Thorsteinn Siglaugsson summarizes the results of a new study from Iceland which had the following findings: People who received two COVID vaccine doses were more likely to be reinfected compared to the unvaccinated, and those who have only received one dose. Reinfection during the Omicron…
Top Thai Virologist: COVID Is The New Flu
In this August 11, 2022 article republished by The Philippine Daily Inquirer, Dr. Yong Poovorawan of Chulalongkorn University’s Faculty of Medicine said that COVID will “eventually become endemic as populations build immunity via vaccination or infection”. In a Facebook post, Poovorawan said that educational, socio-economic and tourism activities must return as close to normal as…
Severe COVID ‘Rare’ in People Who Didn’t Get Vaccine, Survey Reveals
The following article was written by the Alliance for Natural Health International (ANHI) and was republished by The Defender last June 9, 2022. In it, ANHI discussed the survey results involving 300,000 participants from the citizen-led Control Group Project. Analysis of the data from this survey was conducted by Rob Verkerk of the ANHI, Dr.…
Study Confirms Natural Immunity Offers Superior Protection Against Reinfection, Severe Disease Compared To COVID Vaccines
Another study from Qatar has confirmed that natural immunity offers superior protection against reinfection and severe disease compared to vaccine-induced immunity. The study was published last July 7, 2022, in medRxiv as a pre-print [This is a different from Qatar Study Shows Naturally Immune People at Little Risk of Reinfection]. According to the report, the…
NEJM Study Shows Vaccines Offers No Significant Advantage Compared To Natural Immunity
The following article was published by The New England Journal of Medicine last July 7, 2022, and was written by well-known scientists from the World Health Organization, Cornell University, Queens University, and Qatar University, to name a few. The study, which utilizes new data from Qatar compared the effectiveness of the two-dose vaccine, the three-dose…
COVID Brain Fog Caused By Over-Reactive Immune Systems
This July 7, 2022, article published by The Manila Times reports on the results of a study conducted by scientists at the US National Institutes of Health (NIH) which aims to determine the causes of COVID brain fog. The researchers found that instead of COVID in the brain, “it was people’s own antibodies that attacked…
Mainstream media finally takes notice COVID reinfections becoming more frequent
In this July 1, 2022 article for AP News, Laura Ungar tries to normalize COVID reinfections, blaming it on waning immunity and more infectious COVID variants. Ungar claims that despite several vaccinated personalities testing positive for COVID multiple times, it is the unvaccinated who are more likely to be reinfected. Moreover, young people or those…
Study: Vaccination Increases Risk of COVID-19 Infection
In this June 21, 2022 article published by The Epoch Times, Marina Zhang reports on the results of a new study from Qatar. The study, published last June 15, 2022, in the New England Journal of Medicine examine the Omicron Wave in Qatar in order to compare the vaccination rates and immunity among the 100,000…
More Children Infected With Multiple Viral Infections Due To Impaired Immune Systems
In this June 14, 2022 article for The Daily Mail, Harriet Alexander reports that more children are turning up in doctors’ clinics with multiple types of viral infections. According to Alexander, experts believe that this is the result of their immune systems being weakened from two years of lockdowns and mask-wearing. Alexander also notes there…
Finally on mainstream media: COVID shots impair long-term immunity
In this May 24, 2022 article for Israel National News, David Rosenberg reports on the results of a study entitled Anti-nucleocapsid antibodies following SARS-CoV-2 infection in the blinded phase of the mRNA-1273 Covid-19 vaccine efficacy clinical trial [This is different research from the one reported on this article, Peer-reviewed study confirms mRNA COVID jabs dangerous,…