Category: Big Pharma
Two Studies Suggest Circulating Monkeypox Virus Manipulated In Lab
This June 4, 2022 article published by The Expose summarizes the results of two studies showing the currently circulating monkeypox virus has been manipulated and edited in a bio lab. The first study published by Portugal’s National Institute of Health found that the monkeypox virus responsible for the outbreaks in Europe, Australia, and America was…
Despite No Emergency, DOH Wants Next Admin To Retain Alert Level System
In this June 4, 2022 article for the Manila Bulletin, Analou de Vera reports on the Department of Health’s plan to recommend the retention of the pandemic alert level system to the next administration. In a press briefing, Health Undersecretary Maria Rosari Vergeiree said that the alert level system “serves as a safeguard and a…
If there is no COVID emergency, then why are we still vaccinating?
The COVID emergency has ended, but health “experts” are refusing to accept that the pandemic too, has ended. Health Expert: Time to Scrap Crisis of COVID WHO Says It Might End COVID Crisis But Global Data Shows There Is No Emergency Joey Concepcion: Time to Lift COVID Public Health Emergency Status The continued push to…
FDA Limits Use of J&J Vaccine Over Blood Clotting Disorder, But Experts Say Pfizer, Moderna Shots Pose Similar Risk
In this May 6, 2022 article for The Defender, Julie Comber reports on the recent statement released by the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) severely limiting the use of Johnson & Johnson (J&J) citing “rare and potentially life-threatening” blood clots. In the updated Emergency Use Authorization (EUA) for J&J, people who can still get…
Leaders of Baltic States Publish Joint Letter to EU Commission President to Renegotiate Vaccine Contracts
The following letter was published last April 29, 2022, on the official website of the Republic of Lithuania. It is a joint letter of the Prime Ministers of Estonia, Latvia, and Lithuania to Ursula von der Leyen, President of the European Commission. In this letter, the Baltic states tell von der Leyen that they are…
Christian Drosten, Karl Lauterback try to block evaluation of Germany’s coronavirus measures
In this April 26, 2022 article published by Report 24, we discover that Germany’s Health Minister, Karl Lauterbach, and Christian Drosten, the country’s COVID “expert” is blocking a committee mandated to evaluate the country’s COVID response. According to the report, Drosten has previously spoken against the assessment of the containment measures implemented by Germany saying…
Study shows sanitation, nutrition better than vaccines at protecting children from disease
This April 26, 2022 article from the Children’s Health Defense (CHD) Team discusses the result of a conducted by researchers from the University of California, Irvine (UCI). Using data from India, the study entitled Association between vaccine preventable diseases in children and improved sanitation following a nationwide sanitation campaign in India: an ecological analysis, found…
Influential journal publishes warning on boosters
The following article was written by Dr. Paul Offit, co-inventor of the rotavirus vaccine and a well-known pediatrician specializing in infectious disease. It was published by the New England Journal of Medicine last April 15, 2022. In it, Offit questions the science supporting booster doses. Some of the points he raised include the following: Booster…
Martin Kuldorff: Have People Been Given the Wrong Vaccine?
The following article was written by Martin Kuldorff and published by the Brownstone Institute last April 22, 2022. It is a review of Lancet research entitled Randomised Clinical Trials of COVID-19 Vaccines: Do Adenovirus-Vector Vaccines Have Beneficial Non-Specific Effects? According to the research, which was conducted by Dr. Christine Benn and her colleagues, all-cause mortality…
Big study from Japan shows no difference in viral load between boosted, vaccinated, unvaccinated
The following is a pre-print study published by MedRxiv last April 19, 2022. In this study, researchers from Japan found a similar viral load between vaccinated and unvaccinated patients who test positive for the Omicron SARS-CoV-2 subvariants. The study also showed that even those who have already received the booster shot had viral loads similar…