January 25, 2025

Universal basic income coming soon in England

Universal basic income coming soon in England

In this June 4, 2023 article for The Guadian, Dahaba Ali Hussein talks about the upcoming trial of the universal basic income (UBI) program in England. Under the pilot program, 30 people in two areas will be paid an “unconditional” lump sum amounting to £1,600 per month for the next two years. The participants will then be observed in order to “see what the effect this unconditional lump sum has on people’s mental and physical health, whether they choose to work or not”.

Will Stronge, director of research at Autonomy, a government thinktank backing the plan said, “All the evidence shows that it would directly alleviate poverty and boost millions of people’s wellbeing: the potential benefits are just too large to ignore. With the decades ahead set to be full of economic shocks due to climate change and new forms of automation, basic income is going to be a crucial part of securing livelihoods in the future.”

Editor’s Note: If this support from the government were truly unconditional, then it will be a blessing to many who are currently suffering due to poverty. It will ensure that people will have access to resources and opportunities that will change their lives.

The problem is that we know that this is not going to be “unconditional” for long, not when forces that seek to enslave humanity are still at work. We know that there is no free lunch. When we have become dependent on this handout from the state, it will only be a matter of time before it becomes conditional, and people will be forced to comply to new (possibly anti-human and illogical) directives or risk losing their stipend.

Moreover, people must begin to question, will all countries be able to afford to give UBI to their citizens. Or will this be exclusively for the already-rich nations? Will other governments be forced to issue UBIs, and in the process, take out loans from opportunistic organizations that will keep them on a tight leash? How will the UBI compromise our national sovereignty and personal independence? [See Bank of England propose to use digital money to put “restrictions on people’s freedom”, Central Bank Digital Currency Initiatives Will Dominate the Summer Davos in China. Also read How Central Banks Could Use Digital Cash to Deliver Universal Basic Income, What does ‘universal basic income’ have to do with a digital dollar or a central bank digital currency? and The Great Reset And What It Means For You].

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