July 27, 2024

DMED Data Shows Massive Vaccine Injuries Among Military, DOD Manipulates Data to Coverup

DMED Data Shows Massive Vaccine Injuries Among Military, DOD Manipulates Data to Coverup

In this February 6, 2022 article on Substack, Steve Kirsch discusses the data from the Defense Medical Epidemiology Database (DMED), the official database covering all 1.4 million servicemen of the Department of Defense (DOD).

In this article, Kirsch explains what the data contains, and why it is important. Kirsch also says that he has been able to speak to a military doctor who can confirm the high incidence of vaccine-caused events in his own practice.

Editor’s Note: The DMED data has been a huge issue in recent days, particularly after the Pentagon was caught adding data in previous years in an effort to make the 2021 “exponential” increase in various conditions such as hypertension, diseases of the nervous system, Guillain-Barre syndrome (some common side effects of vaccines) was nothing out of the ordinary1Read https://www.theblaze.com/op-ed/horowitz-the-pentagons-response-to-the-explosive-dod-medical-data-is-an-even-bigger-story-than-the-data to understand this more.

We encourage our readers to read the full article from Kirsch because this is the only way that you will be able to grasp the huge impact that these experimental vaccines have on the health of young, healthy people. To think that these are only short-term effects. Can you imagine what can happen in the long term?

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