Covid Vaccine Injury Payouts in Australia Explode to $77 million

In this October 26, 2022 article for News.Com.Au, Frank Chung reports that payouts for COVID vaccine injuries are set to explode to almost $477 million by July 2023.
Papers from Services Australia reveal an 80-fold increase in the budget for vaccine injury claims. People who suffered an eligible clinical condition or injury can claim between $1,000 to $19,999 depending on the scale of damage.
The compensation scheme allows Australians to claim for medical costs, lost wages, and other expenses related to an adverse reaction to a COVID shot. It is set to end on April 17, 2024.
Editor’s Note: If the COVID shots were so “safe and effective”, why did the Australian government increase its budget for vaccine injury claims in the second year that the shots were being rolled out? Shouldn’t they be more confident that there will be fewer adverse effects, a year after the experimental shots were rolled out?
By offering a vaccine compensation scheme, the government is essentially saying that the shots may not be safe for everyone, which essentially debunks the “safe and effective” narrative.
We hope that people now realize that they have been lied to. If you are vaccinated and did not experience any side effects, then consider yourself lucky and stop getting the booster shots.
Please tell your family and friends, and help save the lives of others. [Also read AstraZeneca boss: Booster jabs for all “not a good use” of taxpayer money, Japanese Cardiovascular Surgeon: Stop Vaccine Boosters, Serious Risks Recorded, Influential journal publishes warning on boosters].
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