February 9, 2025

UN Chief: Travel Bans Over New COVID Strain “Unfair” and “Ineffective”

UN Chief: Travel Bans Over New COVID Strain “Unfair” and “Ineffective”

In a statement to the press, UN Secretary-General Antonio Gutteres slammed travel bans targeting specific countries and regions. This story was written by Agence-France-Presse and republished by Manila Bulletin last December 2, 2021.

Gutteres said, “With a virus that is truly borderless, travel restrictions that isolate any one country or region are not only deeply unfair and punitive — they are ineffective”. He adds that countries reporting new strains should not “be collectively punished for identifying and sharing crucial science and health information with the world.”

Officials in South Africa are saying that they are being punished for sharing information about a strain that has been detected in other countries worldwide [this is the same thing that happened with the Delta variant, which has led to the World Health Organization implementing the Greek naming system, see Indian government: There is no Indian variant].

Editor’s Note: While Gutteres was only referring to the Omicron variant in his statement, it is also applicable to SARS-CoV-2 and all its variants in general. It is clear proof that travel bans due to COVID is unscientific, ineffective, and unfair, and must be removed and outlawed.

In fact, there are numerous pieces of evidence from previous pandemics that travel bans do not really work [see Will the real WHO please stand up?]. These days, however, travel bans are being weaponized and are utilized to “punish” countries that are not adhering to the mainstream narrative that vaccines are the only protection against COVID.

Before all this Omicron hysteria, mainstream media was already noticing the low COVID cases and deaths in sparsely inoculated Africa [see Scientists Mystified, Wary, as Africa Avoids COVID Disaster]. In contrast, highly vaccinated countries are experiencing new surges in cases and deaths [see Worldwide data from 185 nations prove that the highest death rates are in the most vaccinated countries; we are now in a pandemic of the vaccinated, Despite High Vaccination rates, Europe is Returning to Lockdowns].

Whoever has masterminded this entire COVID scam simply cannot afford to allow such comparisons to proliferate, can they? [See This is the reason why authorities want 100% COVID vaccination, The war on the ‘unvaccinated’ is a desperate attempt to destroy the control group].

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