February 9, 2025
Rabbinical Court Ruling Prohibits COVID Vaccine for Children, Pregnant Women

In a November 6, 2021 article published in Business Game Changer, Sarah Westall reported that on November 1, the Rabbinical Court in New York officially decreed that the mRNA COVID shot is “absolutely forbidden” for children, adolescents, young men & women. [This is where one of those who testified was Dr. Vladimir Zelenko, see Dr. Vladimir Zelenko Testifies Before the Rabbinical Court, Calls COVID Jabs “Death Shot”.]

According to Westall, the Rabbinical Court is part of the Israeli legal system1 and determines laws that reflect the teachings of the Torah. A ruling by the Rabbinical courts is considered God’s law and is strictly followed by the Jewish community. The importance of this decision cannot be understated on its ultimate effect on Jewish children and young adults throughout the world.

Ruling for children and young people: “It is absolutely forbidden to administer or even to promote this injection to children, adolescents, young men or women; even if it means that they will not be permitted by the government to attend yeshiva or seminary or to study abroad, etc. It is an explicit obligation to protest against this mandate, and anyone who can prevent the injection from being forced upon our youth must do so, forthrightly and emphatically.”

For pregnant women and healthy adults of child-bearing age: “Much harm appears to be caused to pregnant women as a result of the injection… As such, it is forbidden for them to take this injection. Included in this are all healthy adults who are of child‐bearing age – they too should stay away from the said injection.”

The other major part of this decision is promoting or influencing anyone from straying from this decree, it states:

“Assisting or enabling a person to violate a transgression – includes verbal encouragement, offering monetary incentives or other bribes, verbal pressure or actual threats, to coerce employees, etc., to receive the mRNA.”

You can view the full court ruling in the attached documents below. For those who want to watch the full proceedings of the Rabbinical Court, see here.

Rabbinical Court Ruling Page 1
Rabbinical Court Ruling Page 2

Editor’s Note: This ruling by Rabbinical Court is essential because this is a precedent to the cases being filed against mandatory vaccination. It is also another proof that mandatory vaccination will not fly in the face of an objective, impartial court.

People need to see this kind of court decision to restore the eroding trust in the justice system. Justice still works. [See another court ruling US Federal Court: Biden’s Vaccine Mandate Unconstitutional].

The Rabbinical court decision is the same as our mission here in CCH. If the vaccines are really safe and effective, you do not need bribery or threats to encourage people to get the jab. [See 5 Ways they are tricking you into taking the experimental vaccines; IATF Planning to Incentivize the Vaccinated; Governments, private institutions promote forced vaccination by other means.]

Vaccinating children is illogical, unscientific, and abusive. Data clearly tells us that kids and young people are not at risk of the covid-19 disease [see CDC updates planning scenarios, shows IFR lower than flu; No Need for Vaccines: Children’s Immune Systems Primed and Ready for SARS-CoV-2; Understanding the immune system of children may be the key to understanding susceptibility to SARS-COV-2]. Pushing for the inoculation of children with an experimental and unsafe vaccine amidst the rising cases of heart inflammation and other side effects is criminal [see Journal article confirms younger males at higher risk of myocarditis following COVID vaccination, VAERS cases, “just the tip of the iceberg”; Vaccinating children against COVID-19 is irresponsible and unethical; A Scientist Tells US FDA: “Please Do Not Give This to Kids”].

Also, science is showing us that the vaccine has risks for pregnant women. And without the long-term safety data, no one can say whether these vaccines are safe or not for the unborn children in their wombs. [See New evidence explains how mRNA vaccines cause organ damage; 82% of pregnant women vaccinated during first and second trimesters suffered a spontaneous abortion; Dead Babies in VAERS as Another Study Shows mRNA Shots Not Safe for Pregnant Women.]

With this, we say, if you have not taken the jab and are still contemplating, reconsider. If you have taken the first shot, don’t take the second, onwards. If you are fully vaxxed, do not take the booster. If you don’t see any risks, the decision is your personal choice, but please, do not submit your kids to these injections. [See One in 9 Children Suffered Severe Adverse Reaction from the COVID Vaccine; FDA Panel Recommends Pfizer’s Low-dose Covid Jab for Young Children Ages Five to 11 Without the Safety Data; Pfizer Manipulated Study Data to Get Emergency Use Authorization 12-to-15 Year-olds; Expert Asks FDA: Why are kids “Dropping like Flies” after COVID Vaccine?; Randy Hillier: Investigate the sudden deaths among young people].

Your decision now will have an enduring effect, utterly irreversible. [See Vaccines: Trojan Horses for Global Sterilization and Surveillance; Covid Vaccines are Bioweapons for Mass Genocide; UK Government Data: Vaccinated are Seeing their Immune Response Plummet by About 5% Each Week; Research suggests Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 vaccine reprograms innate immune responses].

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  1. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rabbinical_Court_(Israel)

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