January 21, 2025

Swedish study: Antibodies in fully vaxxed with Pfizer, Astrazeneca decline steeply after only a few months

Swedish study: Antibodies in fully vaxxed with Pfizer, Astrazeneca decline steeply after only a few months

The following article was originally published by Xinhua, but was republished by the Philippine News Agency last September 29, 2021.

The article reports on the results of a study conducted among hospital staff in Stockholm, Sweden which found that antibody levels following COVID vaccination decrease more rapidly than previously believed.

Seven months after the second dose, fully vaccinated staff who have not been infected by the virus recorded an 85% decrease in the number of antibodies. Meanwhile, those who were already infected before receiving the vaccine recorded a considerably slowed decrease in antibodies.

Lead researcher Charlotte Thalin said: “The fact that antibody levels fall over time is fully expected, but I am surprised that it has dropped so significantly in such a relatively healthy and young group…The low levels mean that we can have an increased spread even in vaccinated groups, and this can have consequences for our elderly. This is worrying and indicates that the elderly and fragile must receive a third refill dose as soon as possible”.

The original Swedish report may be accessed here: https://www.svt.se/nyheter/inrikes/kraftig-nedgang-i-antikroppsnivaer-efter-sju-manader-for-dubbelvaccinerade

Editor’s Note: This new research is currently being used to rationalize the roll out of a a booster shot, which according to top experts from the US and that WHO, are unnecessary [see Top FDA virologists, WHO scientists: No credible evidence for COVID booster shots].

These disagreements in the opinion of scientists makes it increasingly more difficult to figure out who is telling the truth and who is not. It is also becoming more obvious that what started out as a health crisis is turning out to be a political crisis [see Power struggle between FDA and Big Pharma comes in full display]. If people do not see the “invisible hand” that is manipulating government decisions relating to the COVID panic, then it is not due to lack of evidence, but the lack of critical thinking.

We add this article on this website because we want to ask an important question: what is it that makes the vaccines work? What is it that makes the previously-infected cohort experience a slower decline in antibodies compared to those who have never been infected?

Based on the evidence presented by this research, it is another confirmation that the human immune system is still the best defense against COVID. [This is no longer a surprise as there have also been other researches that have already made this same conclusion, see Largest scientific study: COVID-recovered individuals better protected from Delta compared to the vaccinated, Nature Journal: SARS-CoV-2 infection induces lasting immunity, Your immune system can protect you from COVID and all its future variants, anyone who says otherwise is lying, Another study shows natural COVID-19 immunity lasts for substantial period of time, Natural immunity triggered by COVID infection superior to vaccine-induced immunity, New study from Cleveland Clinic shows vaccine provides no added benefit to those who already had COVID]. The bigger question is, how many researches there needs to be before governments listen?

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