The following is another investigative series from Project Veritas featuring Jodi O’ Malley, a registered nurse at the local Indian Medical Center, turned whistleblower.
In this 13-minute video compiled by Project Veritas, we see recordings taken by O’Malley showing colleagues discussing the anomalies of COVID treatment and the hazardous effects of the COVID vaccines. In one video, Dr. Maria Gonzales, an ER doctor of the US Department of Health and Human Services said: “All this is bullshit. Now, [a patient] probably [has] myocarditis due to the [COVID] vaccine. But now, they [government] are not going to blame the vaccine…They [government] are not reporting [adverse COVID vaccine side effects]…They want to shove it under the mat”.
O’Malley says that she has seen dozens of people come in with adverse reactions to the vaccines. She adds, “If we [government] are not gathering [COVID vaccine] data and reporting it, then how are we going to say that it is safe and approved for use?
Editor’s Note: This is the first concrete evidence we have of data manipulation in relation to vaccine adverse effects. How many hospitals in the US are under-reporting vaccine side effects? If this is happening in the US, are we even surprised that there is underreporting of vaccine adverse effects and deaths in countries with less robust reporting systems?
The record of adverse events and deaths in the Philippines is only a small fraction of what is found in the US, but it does not mean that the issues experienced in other countries are not happening here. In fact, it is a testament to the terrible reporting system we have in this country [read FDA Report Reveals Vaccines May Have Killed 635 And Seriously Harmed 1,718 Filipinos]. Governments’ failure to institute an effective reporting protocol for hospitals despite knowing that it will do a mass rollout of an experimental product is complacency. They are either lazy, or they are consciously hiding the devastating effects of the “vaccine”.
Based on O’Malley’s testimony, we can say that this is a calibrated attack on humanity. Our government’s crime is not limited to lying and manipulation. More and more evidence is showing that these “vaccines” are bioweapons and are bound to harm and kill millions of people [see Covid Vaccines are Bioweapons for Mass Genocide, Scientists Sound Alarm: Vaccines Will Kill Millions].
Even with the under-reporting happening in the US, their Vaccine Adverse Events Reporting System records nearly 15,000 deaths and more than 700,000 injuries following COVID vaccination. [efn_note][/efn_note]. Even if this was only 50% of the real figure, the short-term impacts of these vaccine are devastating! [Note that previous studies are showing that VAERS only records less than 1% of all adverse events, so the real numbers are much larger]. Also, even if these reports are not all attributable to the COVID vaccines, a responsible government would have put a pause on its rollout so that they can study it further.
But no, instead of doing due diligence to ensure the safety of their citizens, governments are coercing all eligible individuals to take the vaccine in spite of the science showing that they are unnecessary and dangerous [see France has toppled liberty, Biden vaccine mandates and passports stirs hornet’s nest, inspires massive pushback, Italy Makes “Green Pass” Mandatory for All Workers. Also read Dr. Peter McCullough: Successful early treatment for COVID makes vaccines unnecessary, Doctors around the world say vaccine passports unnecessary, ineffective, and unsafe, Dr. Tess Lawrie: COVID vaccines unsafe for human use, FDA advisory committee votes against booster shots, vaccine risks outweigh benefits especially for children]. These deaths and injuries are not “unintended”, and the blood of those who are harmed are in the hands of governments and health professionals who continue to ignore the safety signals.
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