Almost 50% infected with Delta variant in Israel are fully vaccinated


This June 25, 2021 article by Dov Lieber was published by The Wall Street Journal. It reports on the new COVID outbreak in Israel.

According to preliminary reports released by Israeli health officials, about 90% of new COVID infections in the country are due to the Delta variant. The report also states that about half of those who have been infected were fully inoculated with the Pfizer vaccine.

Editor’s Note: Based on this article, we can offer several conclusions. The first is that new variants of SARS-CoV-2 will keep emerging regardless of the mitigation intervention we implement. The emergence of new variants, however, may not be a significant event. This is most easily seen in Figure 1 below.

Figure 1. Graph from Our World In Data

For several days, mainstream newspapers have been repeating about the “high transmissibility” of the Delta variant which was first discovered in India in February 2021. But looking at the graph below, we see no evidence of this “higher transmissibility”. We see from the graph that the “waves” of confirmed cases from February to June are much lower than the previous one which occurred from mid-November 2020 to February 2021. We also see that except for the UK and Israel, almost all countries have a relatively flat case rate since the beginning of June. Even in countries like the US, where 10% of cases were already of the Delta variant[efn_note][/efn_note]

Figure 2. Graph from Our World In Data.

If we compare figure 1 with figure 2, however, some new questions arise. For example, if the Delta variant is highly contagious, then why is there a huge difference in the case rate between Israel and UK? We know that in both countries, 90% of new COVID cases are due to the Delta variant.[efn_note][/efn_note].

We know that COVID case rates are not a good way of comparing countries due to the faulty RT-PCR tests, we find it necessary to look at other ways of measuring the dangers of the Delta. If the Delta variant was truly a variant of concern, then it must lead to an increased risk of death. And so we checked the case fatality rate.

Figure 3. Graph from Our World In Data

Figure 3 really baffles us. Where is the proof of increased risk that necessitates the return to coronavirus restrictions[efn_note][/efn_note] and lockdowns?efn_note][/efn_note] What is UK and Israel panicking about, when their case fatality rates (CFR) have barely moved since November 2020? In fact, if we look at figure 4 below, we can see clearly that the UK and Israel’s CFR have actually dropped!

Figure 4. Graph from Our World In Data

But perhaps one of the more important comparisons we can for this article is between the CFR of the Philippines and that of the UK. As can be seen in figure 5 below, we have a much lower CFR compared with the UK, even when our vaccination is one of the lowest in the world! And like most countries, the country’s CFR has barely changed since November 2020, which meant that vaccination (which began only in March 2021) had no real impact on the prevention of deaths.

Figure 4. Graph from Our World In Data

With this information as a background, we return to our second insight which takes us back to the almost 50% of people infected with the Delta variant who are also fully vaccinated. This tells us that vaccination will not protect anyone from contracting the Delta variant [Hence, the reason why we think that the Delta variant is a sales pitch for the vaccine. See more at Delta variant being used to sell COVID vaccines but no proof the variant is deadly]. If countries continue to measure their “success” in pandemic control through the number of daily COVID cases, then there is no hope for this scamdemic to ever end. COVID was already low impact to begin with. Except for the brief “surges” which most likely have been caused by the RT-PCR, COVID deaths in most countries have largely tapered off. Now if children are being infected by this new variant, then that’s a sign that COVID is now endemic [see New study shows the path towards endemic COVID].

Our third insight is connected with a previous article [see Vaccines do not fully control Delta variant: Majority of COVID deaths are from vaccinated. Evidence of dangerous ADE at work]. We also know that data in the UK is showing that the majority of Delta variant deaths are from the vaccinated. This, for us, is an indication of antibody-dependent enhancement which is a known problem among coronavirus vaccines [also see What is pathogenic priming? and Briefing document on Pfizer-BioNTech vaccine shows evidence of pathogenic priming among older adults]. If the Delta variant is going to become dominant around the world as the WHO claims, then we think that one stands a much greater risk of dying if he or she is infected by the Delta variant and he or she is vaccinated.

How much risk are you willing to appease the psychological need to feel secure? Because that’s all this vaccine is. A psychological tool for countering the massive fear they brought on to our societies. It offers no real protection against infection and transmission, and it carries with it unknown dangers to our health and our lives [see COVID vaccines kill two people for every three lives it saves, New study: Vaccines are the likely cause of adverse effects and deaths following vaccination and Scientists Sound Alarm: Vaccines Will Kill Millions].

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