How ivermectin prevents COVID 19 and possibly protects the unvaccinated from toxic spike proteins being shed by the vaccinated

How ivermectin prevents COVID 19 and possibly protects the unvaccinated from toxic spike proteins being shed by the vaccinated

The following research was published by the In Vivo journal last September 3, 2020. It reports on the results of a laboratory study showing the exact mechanism by which Ivermectin prevents COVID-19. The research makes the following conclusion: “The ivermectin docking we identified may interfere with the attachment of the spike to the human cell membrane.”

Editor’s Note: Although this was published nine months ago, we have opted to republish this article now as its results are important in addressing the problems associated with vaccination. Real-world results have shown us that indeed, Ivermectin is an effective treatment for COVID-19 [see FLCCC meta-review on the efficacy of Ivermectin as prophylaxis and treatment of COVID-19, now published in a journal, WHO-sponsored preliminary review indicates Ivermectin effectiveness, Judge orders hospital to use Ivermectin COVID patient, 80-year old woman recovers, Why Ivermectin is the best treatment for COVID, Ivermectin: Another drug proven to treat COVID-19].

This article is also important for another reason. Since Ivermectin prevents the spike protein from attaching to the human cell, it can also be used as an “antidote” to vaccine shedding of those inoculated with the mRNA vaccines [read the following articles to better understand the threat of vaccine shedding, Scientists Sound Alarm: Vaccines Will Kill Millions, Do COVID vaccines disrupt women’s menstrual cycles? and Health experts review some possible unintended consequences of mRNA COVID vaccines].

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