Year: 2020
Is it possible to produce a COVID-19 vaccine in the next few months?
For Stuart Thompson, releasing a vaccine in the next 12-18 months is close to impossible, but if we are willing to cut corners, then there may be a way. In this article for New York Times, Thompson offers a condensed timeline for developing the vaccine against SARS-COV-2. This means starting with clinical trials without completing…
What can an antibody study teach us about COVID-19?
The following article is an interview between Neeraj Sood [Sood is lead investigator of the study discussed in the article USC-LA County Antibody Suggests True COVID-19 Infections Higher Than Official Count ] and Leigh Hopper. In it, Sood explains to us why it is important to conduct antibody studies vis-a-vis PCR tests. He also discusses about the selection…
The Pandemic of Censorship
This article is Part 2 of the Truth To Action Series. I had already completed a number of articles that would have constituted Part 2, 3, and 4 of the series on “Death Rate, Science, Lockdown, Fear, the “New Normal”, Vaccines, Social Control and the Immune System” [See Part 1]. However, an unexpected and very…
This is how COVID-19 death rates in the US are manipulated
In this 16-minute speech, Dr. Annie Bukacek details how the instructions of the Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) for filling out death certificates are leading to the overestimation of COVID-19 deaths. COVID-19 deaths aren’t just for confirmed cases, Dr. Bukacek states. If there is reason to assume that a patient has COVID-19 and…
YouTube will censor anyone speaking against WHO
In this article published by Dr. Joseph Mercola on his website, he looks at the various ways big tech companies are censoring any individual or institution that offers alternative narratives about the SARS-COV-2 and COVID-19 In this May 2020 article, Mercola cites how Twitter and YouTube suspended the social media accounts of AYTU BioScience after…
90-95% of COVID-19 cases in Cebu are asymptomatic
In this first article published last April 25, 2020 article by the Cebu Daily News, it was revealed that a majority of those who tested positive for the new coronavirus do not exhibit any symptoms. Of the 411 COVID cases in Cebu (as of April 25, data has already changed as of writing), 209 came from the…
Health expert recommends antibody testing for Barangay Luz in Sitio Zapatera
Cover image from Philippine Star: On April 16, 2020, the Department of Health (DOH) in Central Visayas decided to stop testing and contact tracing in Barangay Luz after 21 individuals from the subvillage was found to be COVID-19 positive. According to DOH, the area is considered “contaminated” as community transmission of the virus is…
Philippine public schools to open on August 24
The Department of Education has moved to delay the opening of classes for AY 2020-2021 for 2 months as COVID-19 cases in the country continue to increase. In a statement released by Education Secretary Leonor Briones, she said that she consulted the national Inter-Agency Task Force (IATF) on the proposed schedule and was subsequently…
Austrian minister denounces the use of fear-based strategy to deal with COVID-19
In this 16-minute address to the Austrian government, Minister of the Interior Herbert Kickl denounces the strategy used by the country in dealing with COVID-19. He says that the country’s leaders are capitalizing on fear, to the effect of curtailing the freedoms of its citizens, which in turn has lead to the destruction of its…
Death Rate, Science, Lockdown, Fear, the “New Normal”, Vaccines, Social Control and the Immune System
This article is Part 1 of the Truth To Action Series. Read Part 2 here. Overview There is a complex and convoluted relationship between death rate or case fatality rate (CFR), science, lockdown, fear, the “new normal”, vaccines, social control, and the human immune system. It is one of the key tasks of this website…