Day: August 25, 2020
Top WHO official warns Europe against return to national lockdowns
In an exclusive interview with The Telegraph, Dr. Maria Van Kerkhove, lead of WHO’s pandemic response team, warned against the reimposition of national lockdowns in Europe. Instead, she suggested the use of “tailored, specific, and localized” approaches to contain new clusters of infections. On lockdowns, Kerkhove says that this approach was not recommended by the WHO,…
Study: lockdowns, border closures, and testing had no impact on COVID-19 mortality
A study published by The Lancet last July 21, 2020, which utilized country level data of the top 50 countries with the highest COVID cases, showed that rapid border closures, full lockdowns, and widespread testing were did not reduce COVID-19 mortality. Moreover, it found that increased mortality per million was significantly associated with high obesity prevalence and…
The key to overcoming COVID-19 already exists
In this July 23, 2020 article for Newsweek, Harvey A. Risch, professor of epidemiology at the Yale School of Public Health offers support for the use of hydroxychloroquine among COVID-19 patients. Risch cites various studies and doctor experiences proving that hydroxychloroquine, when given early and at the right dosage, can help prevent complications (as well as…
Was There Really an Epidemic?
On July 29, 2020, the Philippine Statistic Authority (PSA), the official government center for statistical data in the country, released a bombshell. Yet hardly anyone noticed it. Here is what the PSA data showed. The death figures for January to June 2019 were higher by 49,584 than the deaths for January to June 2020. If we had an epidemic, then the 2020…
Big Tech thriving during pandemic despite widespread economic upheaval
While most countries in the world are experiencing severe economic contractions, Amazon, Facebook, and Apple are thriving. Projections are showing that the financial positions will only improve as the pandemic has pushed more people towards the internet. While the three companies were already doing well before the pandemic, but analysts are surprised at the extent…
WHO urges member nations to join global vaccine bid
This article by Robin Millard by The Times Of Israel on August 18, 2020 reports on the current effort of the WHO to promote mass vaccination in various countries. WHO director-general Tedros Adhanom wrote a letter to all countries last Tuesday, August 8, 2020 to urge them to join the organization’s global shared vaccine program.…
Full Plandemic documentary out now, being censored by Big Tech
When the first Plandemic documentary came out in May 4, 2020, it spread virally in social media garnering millions of views. Because of its reach, the video was immediately banned by various social media platforms for promoting “falsehoods and misinformation” about COVID-19. Two months after the initial video, film producer Mikki Willis has finally released…
Immune memory offers hope for collective immunity
This New York Times article published last August 16, 2020 features a number of scientists saying that immune systems of those infected with the coronavirus can recognize the virus even months after recovery [new studies show that immunity to the virus can last for years, see New study found pre-existing SARS-CoV-2 immunity in general population].…
PITAHC supports “tuob”
A statement released by the Philippine Institute of Traditional and Alternative Health Care (PITAHC) last June 30, 2020 supported the use of tuob or steam inhalation to alleviate the respiratory illness commonly experienced by patients with mild COVID-19 symptoms. Editor’s Note: While this statement was released more than a month ago, it has not been…
Indigenous Kokama favors ayahuasca for COVID-19 treatment after seeing drop in COVID deaths
The death of Kokama community leader Guilherme Padilha Samiaslast May due to COVID-19 changed the way the community treated those with symptoms of the disease. In an article for the Mongabay published August 17, 2020, Maria Fernanda Ribeiro, Kokama chief Edney Samias was quoted saying “At first, we relied on the medicine of non-Indigenous people,…