July 27, 2024

Immune memory offers hope for collective immunity

Immune memory offers hope for collective immunity

This New York Times article published last August 16, 2020 features a number of scientists saying that immune systems of those infected with the coronavirus can recognize the virus even months after recovery [new studies show that immunity to the virus can last for years, see New study found pre-existing SARS-CoV-2 immunity in general population]. Experts like Deepta Bhattacharya and Marion Pepper says that this is expected as this is the way immune systems are supposed to work.

Notably, these immune responses can be found among individuals who experienced only mild symptoms. Unfortunately, patients who have been hospitalized, as well as those who were infected but had no symptoms at all did not register these powerful responses.

Editor’s Note: Although we have published many articles in the past pointing to the same conclusions as this New York Times article, we opted to add this resource because it is very uncommon to see these kinds of features in a mainstream media outlet. If only more journalists widen their research in the hopes of understanding the nature and behavior of the new coronavirus, then there would be less panic in the world.

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