Category: Truth To Action
Finally after very close collaborative work with Atty. Tanya Lat, Covid Call to Humanity (CCH) and Atty. Lat are releasing this Affidavit to the general public. We have already been informed the past days that over 2,500 Filipinos have been waiting for this Affidavit template. Properly filled-up affidavits are the last important part of our…
This is the original version of the Manifesto. A final version may be accessed here: MANIFESTO AND PRINCIPLES OF UNITY OF THE PHILIPPINE RESISTANCE AGAINST COVID TYRANNY STOP UNSCIENTIFIC AND DESTRUCTIVE COVID COERCIVE ACTIONS NOW (Activated 07 November 2021) We, individuals and groups, numbering in the millions, deeply concerned and alarmed with the unscientific, destructive,…
Public Seminar Episode 10: The beginning of the end
We are happy to announce that this Sunday’s zoom sessions will feature our very first international guest, Christine Massey! Come join our Facebook Live this Sunday, November 7, 2021, from 7:30 to 9:30 PM. Who is Christine Massey? Christine Massey in Canada has a background in biostatistics applied to cancer research. She has been collating Freedom of Information (FOI) responses from…
Another way to distribute Cease and Desist Demand Letter and inform people that mandatory vaccines are illegal
First of all, thanks so much for all those who have distributed and are distributing the Cease and Desist demand letters to your governors and mayors. Nonetheless, new questions from the field have arisen. Some are all alone in their situation and cannot remove their fear even if they want to help in the distribution.…
CCH releases leaflets educating people about the dangers of the COVID vaccine: Help in distribution needed
The Government has basically ignored the Cease and Desist demand letter. Instead, they have intensified the mad rush to vaccinate our teenagers and all others that refuse to get vaccinated. Duterte has just ordered LGUs to intensify their mandatory vaccination efforts at the barangay (village) level despite no law authorizing mandatory vaccination. He is doing…
Clarifications on Questions Regarding the Distribution of the Cease and Desist Letter to Governors and Mayors
We at Covid Call to Humanity (CCH) are very happy that so many of you contacted us because you wanted to help distribute the Cease and Desist letter to your governors and/or mayors.[efn_note] [/efn_note] We want to thank all those who just went ahead and distributed the Cease and Desist notice to your governor or mayor.…
Urgent Updates on Our Cease and Desist Initiative: Time to Intensify Resistance
To All Filipino Health and Freedom Fighters, We are the Philippine Theater of the Global Resistance to the ongoing attempt at World Takeover and Tyranny using Covid Lockdowns and Vaccines as its main instruments of Control.[efn_note]Please see our various Public Seminars especially Episode 5 at Here we lay out the details behind this statement.[/efn_note]…
For Those Who Would Want to Send Cease and Desist Letter to Their Governors and Mayors, Letter Attached Below
Dear All, We are happy to share that the CCH Cease and Desist letter and Notice of Liability to the Duterte Government have unleashed a wave of hope throughout our country. The news about this initiative has gone viral nationally and globally. People are sharing it on many different networks. Individuals and groups are volunteering…
Public Seminar Series Episode 8: Cease and Desist
Covid Call to Humanity {CCH) sent a notice of Cease and Desist and a Notice of Liability to the government on Oct 18, Monday. The seminar this coming Sunday, October 24, 2021, will explain to the public the basis of the cease and desist petition to the government [Read the Cease and Desist Document here:…
Dear all, Many of you have been contacting and asking us when it will happen. Now it is happening. Today it is happening. It has been a long journey, more than 17 months, towards the truth. Now that we have overwhelming scientific evidence, we are using this truth to set us all free. We have filed this Cease…