Category: Truth To Action
Public Seminar 25: What Is Stockholm Syndrome?
What comes in your mind when you hear the term Stockholm Syndrome? Watch, listen, and join the discussion on Sunday, February 13, 2022, 7:00-9:30 (GMT+8) in the evening. Visit to watch the live stream. A recording of the episode will be available on this website next week.
Should you vaccinate your children?
There is no reason for young people to take the COVID vaccine. And yes, that statement includes immunocompromised children. Peer-reviewed research shows immunocompromised children at no increased risk of severe COVID Expert evidence regarding the use of Pfizer COVID-19 mRNA Vaccine for children mRNA Inventor: Toxic Spike Proteins from COVID Jabs Often Cause Permanent Damage…
Public Seminar Episode 24: Separation from Fear
In this 24th episode of our weekly Public Seminar Series, we will be discussing a very relevant topic regarding separation from fear. This seminar will be co-hosted by PRACT (Philippine Resistance Against Covid Tyranny). Join us on February 6, 2022, from 7:30 to 9:30 PM. Visit for the live stream.
(CALL TO FREEDOM!)The poem below comes from a group at the University of the Philippines at Los Baños, college in Laguna. Vacx-free LB is an initiative of citizens in the Los Baños area that aims to support and protect citizens from being coerced to take measures that do not honor their sovereign right to life. It is composed…
“Vaccines” are Premeditated Murder. MSM Snubs Massive Proof
By Nicanor Perlas Covid Call to Humanity (CCH) The CCH article below was to be submitted as a paid advertisement for mainstream media (MSM). The latter censored it. The incident illustrates that MSM in the Philippines, like others around the world, are not interested in scientific truth. They are cowards. They prefer to be instruments…
Why Can’t COVID Vaccines Create Herd Immunity?
Despite how governments packaged these vaccines in the early phase of the rollout, the reality is that COVID Jabs were never meant to create herd immunity. This is evidenced by these documents from 2020. COVID-19 Vaccine Trials Will Not Tell Us if it can Prevent Moderate or Severe Cases Fauci: Early COVID-19 vaccines will only…
Why are Other Countries Now Acknowledging Natural Immunity in the Absence of Vaccination?
When one recovers from COVID, one gets broad, durable, and long-lasting natural immunity against the virus. Finally Acknowledged by Mainstream Media: Natural immunity more potent than vaccines during US Delta Wave Immune system has 27x more protective power than vaccines: Case for COVID vaccine passports demolished New Study Shows Natural Immunity More Protective Over Time…
Philippine Daily Inquirer Publishes Constitutionally Compliant Business PH (CCB-PH) Full Page Ad
Finally, parts of the business community in the Philippines are taking a stand on the unscientific and illegal mandatory vaccines of the government. They released an ad today in a simple format but powerfully expressive. They demonstrate the adverse impacts of these tyrannical policies not only on business but also on the workers and local…
What is the Purpose of All These Restrictions on the Unvaxxed?
In order to answer this day’s FAQ, we scoured the Philippines’ mainstream media for sources. Here are the top two that are leading so far: We have discussed in our previous FAQs why these two reasons are unacceptable. For example, the first reason, that such restrictions force more people to take the vaccine,…
Is it True that the Majority of Hospitals are Occupied by the Vaccine-Free with COVID-19?
The implementation of the no vax, no ride policy is to restrict the movement of the vaccine-free because of the belief that they carry and transmit the virus. Another narrative is, vaccine-free once infected with covid will eventually inundate the healthcare system. However, based on the reports, some hospital administrators say 65–80% of hospital occupants…