Category: Truth To Action
Public Seminar Episode 35: Prepare for the Worst
Let’s watch, listen and join the discussion on Sunday, May 1, 2022, 7:30-9:30 PM (GMT+8) in the evening. Visit to watch the live stream. A recording of the episode will be available on the website next week.
Will Pfizer’s COVID pill end the pandemic?
Evidence is showing that there is no way that we can eradicate COVID, and governments think that the best hope we have of ending the pandemic is by managing the illness. Now, the World Health Organization (WHO) thinks that Paxlovid, Pfizer’s new COVID antiviral pill is the solution. Unfortunately for us, the evidence is showing…
Public Seminar Episode 33: Covid, 21st Century Science, Christ and the Resurrection of Humanity
Watch, listen and join the discussion on Sunday, April 17, 2022, 7:30-9:30 PM (GMT+8) in the evening. Visit to watch the live stream. A recording of the episode will be available on the website next week.
A Letter for the Holy Week
Dear Friends, Christian communities all over the world commemorate this Holy Week the passion, death, and resurrection of the Christ. It is but appropriate that in this time of the history of our world, where there is a systematic assault on our humanity, we go back to our ancient heritage and to the great wisdom…
Friends, The World Health Organization (WHO) International Negotiating Body (INB) which is in charge of the creation of a Global Pandemic Treaty is conducting public hearings and is asking for written contributions responding to the question: “What substantive elements do you think should be included in a new international instrument on pandemic preparedness and response?”…
Should the government place expiration dates on vaccination cards?
In order to answer this question, we must ask the Philippine government: what is the purpose for doing this? Is it to prevent COVID cases? To prevent deaths? Or to “sell” the 27 million vaccine doses, worth PHP 13.5 billion which are expiring in July? We must remember that several countries that placed expiration…
Is there a need for annual COVID shots?
Based on statements from experts, the answer to this question is NO. Why then is the Philippine government even considering the idea that annual booster shots? Is it because the government purchased excessive amounts of COVID shots?
Episode 31: Transhumanism 101. Know It. Your Life Depends on It. Part 1
We are writing these descriptors of our various episodes for two reasons. First, we want to enable our followers and free subscribers on our different platforms to have an overview of the episodes they missed, especially because Facebook removed the live stream record of our episodes. Second, since the episodes are Filipino, we want our…
Is the Waning Antibodies a Sign of Lost Immunity?
The answer is NO. The immune response recedes once an individual recovers, prominently via reduced antibodies. It is not only natural; it is indispensable to reconstruct the body to a normal balanced state. Are COVID-Recovered Unvaccinated Children at Risk of Reinfection? Just as a permanent state of fever would be harmful, a high…
How Likely Will a More Virulent COVID Variant Develop?
The truth is, there is no absolute assurance that all the COVID variants that will be developed from this point forward will be mild, like the flu. In the same way, no one can guarantee that a more virulent variant of COVID will emerge. However, we know that it is counterproductive to worry about the…