As we all know, CCH and other Freedom Warriors succeeded in stopping the enactment of SB 1869 into law over...
As we all know, CCH and other Freedom Warriors succeeded in stopping the enactment of SB 1869 into law over...
On June 13, 2023, CCH wrote about the nature of tactical alliances in general and the tactical alliance between CCH...
CCH On-The-Ground Report for Days 4-6 of the Senate Protests, May 15 to 17, 2023 Victory From twenty five (25) to...
Senate Bill 1869 contains provisions that surrender Philippine democracy and sovereignty to the WHO, thereby paving the way for permanent...
A recent US analysis of Covid data by scientists and a seasoned former Blackrock economic manager has found that vaccines...
In Germany and France, workers are protesting and causing disruptions. In Germany, major strikes led by workers demand better pay...
Tucker Carlson, a political commentator, asserts that the transgender community is the opposite of Christianity and therefore the enemy of...
Official UK Government data shows the mortality rate per 100,000 rises significantly among the vaccinated compared to the unvaccinated. The...
Download The Briefing Paper Briefing-Paper-on-SB1869Download
14 February 2023 Dear Friends, Based on your Petitions and on your behalf, Covid Call to Humanity (CCH) sent a...