Category: Approaches of different countries
Peru: The country with the world’s strictest lockdown also has the worst excess deaths
Peru may have faithfully employed lockdowns, but it has failed to control the coronavirus. This article published by The Telegraph shows us that despite having the world’s strictest lockdowns, Peru has the highest excess deaths in the world. Officially, COVID-19 deaths are at 28,000, with seven in every 10 residents saying that they know someone…
Sweden’s economy in much better shape than the rest of Europe
In this report for Newsweek published last August 6, 2020, author Soo Kim says that Sweden’s economy is outperforming the rest of Europe. Like it’s neighbors, the country experienced a decline in its Gross Domestic Product (GDP), but Sweden is not yet in recession. Editor’s Note: Remember the article published by the New York Times in…
Is Sweden’s coronavirus response finally silencing the doubters?
In this article for The Telegraph, author Richard Orange reports that Sweden’s case rate has fallen below that of Denmark and Norway, registering 12 new cases per million compared to 18 for Denmark and 14 for Norway. Meanwhile, COVID deaths in Sweden are averaging at two to three per day, down from over a hundred…
Swedish epidemiologist lands top advisory role in WHO
John Giesecke, advisor to the Swedish government’s coronavirus response has been promoted to a senior advisory role within the World Health Organization (WHO). Giesecke is Vice Chair of the Strategic and Technical Advisory Group on Infectious Hazards and will Be advising the Director-General on pandemic responses. Moreover, Giesecke will be leading the Advisory Group in…
Why Sweden has not mandated the use of masks
Andrew Tegnell sees no point in mandating the use of face masks as infection numbers in Sweden continue to decline, cites this article written by Jackie Salo for the New York Post. It is a well known fact that Tegnell has been skeptic of the role of face masks in controlling virus outbreaks, especially since countries…
Sweden’s COVID-19 experience from the eyes of a Swedish doctor
In his article posted August 4, 2020 in his blog, Dr. Sebastian Rushworth says that the pandemic is over in Sweden. He says that he hasn’t seen a single COVID patient in over a month and at the time he wrote his article, Sweden was registering 5 COVID deaths per day in the entire country…
Sweden is winning against the coronavirus
In this article for Debunking Denialism, author Emil Karlsson attempts to wade through widespread misinformation to see the real facts about the Swedish coronavirus strategy. It looks at the primary data in official reports and statements made by Swedish public health officials. Karlsson’s research shows that Sweden did in fact have a grand strategy at defeating…
Sweden’s COVID death rate now lower than Spain, Italy, and UK despite no lockdown approach
Data from Sweden is showing a downward trend in new cases and new deaths, says Soo Kim in this report written for Newsweek last August 3, 2020. Compared to UK, Spain, and Italy, three of the worst hit countries in Europe, Sweden’s death rate per 100,000 people is lower, at 56.40. Meanwhile, UK reported a death rate…
The surgical mask is a bad fit for risk reduction
The following article was written for CMAJ by Canadian physician and poet, Shane Neilson. Written in 2016, Neilson exposed the fear-based messaging proliferated by mask wearing. He says that mask wearing prepares us for a future pandemic. In addition, Nielsen says, mask wearing is aimed at cultivating collective anxiety which rationalizes the intensification of risk…
Post-lockdown rules in Europe
The following article written by Cornelius Hirsch for Politico summarizes the reopening history of various European countries. It also tracks which countries require mandatory use of masks, as well as the length of each country’s lockdowns. For most European countries, face masks are no longer required outdoors, and the longest lockdown was that of the UK which…