Author: admin
Court Rules COVID Vaccine Mandate “Unlawful”
The court has ruled that COVID vaccine mandates imposed on police and ambulance workers in Queensland were made unlawfully. According to this report republished by The Guardian last February 27, 2024, former Department of Health director-general Dr. John Wakefield was “unable to prove he issued the vaccine mandate under an implied term of the employment…
Neurowarfare: New form of warfare aimed at weaponizing the human brain
The following document is a study conducted by Joshua D. Gramm and Brian A. Branagan, titled “Neurowar Is Here!”, approved for public release by the Naval Postgraduate School in December 2021. It explores the resurgence of great power competition and the use of neuroweapons to manipulate and control populations’ minds. The study discusses non-lethal crowd…
Climate Change: An Opportunity To Become More Conscious About The Way We Live
The following article features a 2-part podcast with Gail Hochachka, a climate change researcher, sustainable development expert, and activist. Though Hochachaka deals mainly with the issue of climate change, her research has repercussions for societal transformation in general. She says that global problems are global symptoms, and to solve them, we must look at what…
Sandi Adams: Farming is Being Destroyed Systematically
In this 45-minute interview between Sandi Adams and Rachel from Colchester Council Watch, looks at the impact of the United Nations’ plan to “transform” agriculture. They also talk about the massive farming protests in Europe which are systematically being censored by mainstream media. Here are some of the most important points highlighted in the interview:…
Australian Court Rules Employer Must Compensate Vaccine-Injured Man Following Mandatory Vaccination Policy
Daniel Shepherd, an Australian man who was injured after being forced to take the COVID booster, has won a landmark claim against the Department for Child Protection. According to Shepherd, his first two jabs already made him feel unwell. His third shot, required by his employer, caused him to develop pericarditis which manifested as severe…
New World Order Crisis: An Outright War Against Humanity
In this article for his website, Michel Chossudovsky refreshes an article he wrote during the height of the 2007-2009 global economic crisis to give us an overview of the crisis we are facing now. He dubs the ongoing crisis as the “most serious economic and social crisis in world history”. The article discusses the critical…
The concept of population control is anti-human
In this article for Yes Magazine, authors Josephine Ferorelli and Meghan Elizabeth Kallman dissect the concept of population control and find that it is founded on three toxic assumptions: The authors go on to give various examples of coercive population control, which typically targets marginalized people. They criticize the sexism, racism, and classism of the…
Digital Society: Easy to Takedown and Control
In this article for Global Research, Peter Koenig analyzes the global push towards digitalization and the rapid rollout of the untested 5G and 6G technology. According to Koenig, says that the rollout of the 5G and 6G technologies is connected to the globalist desire to control the world. He questions the undisclosed health impacts of…
More Climate Scientists Chime In: Higher CO2 Levels Not A Problem
In this special report, Katie Spence reveals that climate science is not so “settled” after all. Several climate experts question the science behind the push to cut emissions to zero. According to Malgosia Askanas, a senior research and development associate at Aurora Biophysics Research Institute, this initiative is “collective suicide…It started with the hysteria of…
France Adopts Controversial Draft Law That Will Penalize Citizens Who Speak Out Against Conventional Medicine
In this article, Michel Chossudovsky discusses a controversial draft law in France aimed at combating “sectarian aberrations,” particularly in health and medicine. Editor’s Note: Remember SB 1869? If we failed in the first round battle, we would have this same problem that France currently has. That being said, we hope that people’s drive to stop…