July 27, 2024

The End of the Electric Car

The End of the Electric Car

Apple has canceled work on its electric car project while car makers like Mercedez-Benz and Ford are delaying the launch of their electric vehicles (EV). Meanwhile, Tesla, already a major EV market player has decided to pull back on investments, deciding to focus on hybrids instead of fully battery-operated cars.

In this February 29, 2024 report published by Daily Mail, Mark Duell says that the demand for EVs is slowing down due to the high price tag and the dwindling investment in EV car production and technology development.

The UK government says that this could have a major impact on the plan to ban sales of petrol and diesel cars by 2035.

Editor’s Note: Despite the disadvantages of electric vehicles, the UK government is hellbent on replacing internal combustion engines. They claim it is for the environment, and yet it is already a well-known fact that EV batteries have a higher environmental impact [read Electric Vehicles and Their Dirty Secret]. This does not even consider the fact that our power grids cannot support the widespread transition to EVs [ see California Gas Car Ban Shows What’s Wrong With Impulsive Climate Change Policies].

What’s the deal here? One can only wonder.

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