February 9, 2025

The Nightmares of Materialism. Part 1. The Fiction of Abiogenesis A. Life Did Not Arise from Non-Life

The Nightmares of Materialism. Part 1. The Fiction of Abiogenesis A. Life Did Not Arise from Non-Life

This article is part of the series entitled The Nightmares of Materialism. This is Part 1-A. Read the other articles by clicking the following links: [Part 1-B] [Part 1-C] [Part 2-A] [Part 2-B]

As discussed in previous articles1, the Great Reset is deeply steeped in the Neo-Darwinian worldview and all the related scientific paradigms, values, policies and societal dynamics that emanate from that worldview.

Modern day materialism or Neo-Materialism pretends it is the only valid science and that most of its proclamations are true. Nothing could be further from the truth.

In this new series of articles, we will begin the deconstruction of materialism. We shall demonstrate that the boat of materialism is full of holes. It is starting to sink. Many of its central tenets and belief systems have now been shown to be false.

This is the Nightmare of Materialism. Its citadel is crumbling down. It is getting increasingly traumatized by its failures to provide solid scientific basis to its truth claims, false claims that are wreaking havoc on nature, humans and their societies.

In this new series, we will begin with Materialism’s assertion that life arose from non-life. This belief is known as abiogenesis, the origin of life from lifeless matter. The Neo-Darwinian worldview, to be logically consistent, relies heavily on Origin of Life (OOL) science for its foundation.

Without life, there can be nothing upon which natural selection can eventually and ultimately perform, as many assert, its almost infinite power to create all the diverse forms of nature that we see around us. Or put another way, if inorganic molecules did not produce life, then other non-mechanistic process could be at work in creating the awesome beauty and dynamics of our ecosystems.2 But, this thought of an alternative explanation is a no-no in the world of materialistic biology.

In the following, we examine the dependence of a key assumption of modern civilization on so-called “facts” that many assume to be proven beyond any reasonable doubt. We shall see that these “facts” are basically unproven but are sold to the general public as scientifically established.

Thus, of necessity, what follows will examine scientific concepts that may not be familiar to many. However, we will explain the technical words used. This topic is so central and important to the future of humanity that we all need to penetrate the veil that hides the reality from scrutiny.

OOL Science and the Last Universal Common Ancestor (LUCA)

For emphasis, we need to re-iterate the central assumption behind current theories about the origin of life and its evolution towards more complex forms, including humans. The central assumption is that the origin of life itself from non-life, on a purely materialistic and mechanistic basis, is the necessary precondition and foundation for all kinds of theories in evolutionary biology.3

The central purpose of Origin of Life (OOL) science is to prove abiogenesis, the emergence of life from non-life. From simple chemical compounds in a primordial environment, life somehow emerged through a process of chemical evolution. Through this process, simple inorganic molecules reached the point of producing the first living cell called LUCA or the Last Universal Common Ancestor.4

It is important to note here how the term LUCA clearly shows the connection of OOL science with modern evolutionary theory. Both ultimately believe in a common living ancestor from which all other life forms emerged. This common ancestor, LUCA, ultimately came from non-living simple molecules that ultimately became life.

Chemical evolution could not produce LUCA without the process of polymerization. In non-technical language, polymerization is the process where simple molecules become more and more complex through repeated replications and combinations of itself until the desired complex molecule is created.

In a more technical description, Encyclopedia Britannica describes polymerization as “any process in which small molecules known as monomers combine chemically to produce a very large chainlike or network molecule, called a polymer. Usually at least 100 monomers must be combined to make a product that has certain unique physical properties.”5

Unfortunately, the search for LUCA and the processes that led to its creation has no empirical basis. The odds of LUCA emerging, as we shall see, is fraught with huge statistical improbabilities. No scientist has created life from non-life even after spending millions of dollars and more than 100 years of research on this quest.6

In short, Neo-Darwinian evolution, the foundation of many aspects of the violent Great Reset agenda of the New World Order7, is without solid foundations. Its underlying belief in abiogenesis and LUCA are shown to be riddled with loopholes and problems. The entire edifice of materialistic evolution collapses when its abiogenesis foundation itself is broken.

Nobel Laureate Harold Urey8 and chemist Stanley Miller were very much aware of this connection between macroevolution and abiogenesis when they created their famous Miller-Urey experiments. They obtained some simple amino acids and that was it. While scientist continued to pursue their dream of creating life from non-life, they have basically failed to produce such a feat 70 years after the experiments of Miller and Urey in 1953.9

Problems with Abiogenesis and LUCA

Since the first attempts of the Nobel Laureate, Harold Urey, and chemist Stanley Miller to create life from non-life in a laboratory setting abiogenesis has encountered one obstacle after another. The most prominent scientist pointing out these problems with abiogenesis and LUCA is Dr. James Tour.

Tour is an outstanding organic chemist. He has published more than 700 peer-reviewed articles in various scientific fields. He has over 130 patents to his name, and dozens more pending. He has one of the highest H-Index rating among scientists. His H-Index is 170.10

The H-Index is a measure of a scientist’s productivity and standing among the scientific community. The H-Index creates a ranking on the basis of the number of peer-reviewed articles published and the number of citations by other scientists on these scientific articles.11An H-Index of 60 is considered “remarkable”.12

It is important to point out this solid scientific reputation and accomplishments of Dr. Tour. This will enable readers to appreciate his serious scientific questions. These questions come from one whose expertise is organic chemistry, a necessary discipline in the scientific field of OOF and LUCA.

Tour raises six (6) questions and challenges leading OOL scientists to answer them.13

These are:

Demonstrate how to polymerize amino acids.

Demonstrate how to polymerize nucleic acids.

Demonstrate how to polymerize saccharides.

Demonstrate how to build cell membranes with lipids.14

Show where the information comes from to do all the above.

Take all the above and create a living cell out of these.

In each of the six (6) questions, OOL scientists have to demonstrate how these fundamental biomolecules of life arose by chance thru random processes in nature.

Tour gave the top ten OOL scientists sixty (60) days to answer his questions and solve the problem. If they show evidence in just one of these areas, he promised to take down all his YouTube content. No scientist, so far,15 has answered his questions.

In Part 1.B. of this article series on the Nightmares of Materialism, we will take a look at each challenge, explain it in a non-scientific language, so readers can appreciate the gravity of his questions.

Unsatisfactory answers to these questions will, in effect, mean not only the end of the materialistic LUCA hypothesis but also of the Neo-Darwinian synthesis, which depends on the reality of LUCA.

  1. https://covidcalltohumanity.org/2024/02/18/understanding-the-great-reset-and-its-attack-on-humanity-part-3-human-extinction/; https://covidcalltohumanity.org/2024/01/17/understanding-the-great-reset-and-its-attack-on-humanity-part-2-how-the-different-attacks-reinforce-each-other/; https://covidcalltohumanity.org/2025/01/03/materialism-the-god-of-the-great-reset-part-1-destroying-humanity/ ; https://covidcalltohumanity.org/2025/01/06/materialism-the-god-of-the-great-reset-part-2-how-it-distorts-reality-and-promotes-nihilism/ ; https://covidcalltohumanity.org/2025/01/08/materialism-the-god-of-the-great-reset-part-3-sucking-out-life-meaning-and-morality-in-society-promoting-violence-as-a-way-of-life/ ; https://covidcalltohumanity.org/2025/01/11/materialism-the-god-of-the-great-reset-part-4-unveiling-its-ultimate-pathological-manifestations-in-world-phenomena/ ↩︎
  2. In a future article, we will explore a more plausible explanation for the amazing diversity and beauty of Nature. ↩︎
  3. There are competing theories of biological evolution. But we will not discuss it here. All these competing theories assume that life came from non-life (abiogenesis). They all believe in abiogenesis as their starting point. ↩︎
  4. https://astrobiology.nasa.gov/news/looking-for-luca-the-last-universal-common-ancestor/. ↩︎
  5. https://www.britannica.com/science/polymerization ↩︎
  6. See this important overview of the topic in one of the most important institutions in the world, The Royal Society. “Re-conceptualizing the origins of life” https://royalsocietypublishing.org/doi/10.1098/rsta.2016.0337#d1e264 ↩︎
  7. See the articles in Reference #1 above ↩︎
  8. https://www.nobelprize.org/prizes/chemistry/1934/summary/ ↩︎
  9. https://www.britannica.com/science/Miller-Urey-experiment ↩︎
  10. https://www.jmtour.com/about/resume/. This reference also gives more details about his academic accomplishments. ↩︎
  11. https://guides.library.unlv.edu/biblio/hindex ↩︎
  12. https://paperpile.com/g/what-is-a-good-h-index/. See also, https://academiainsider.com/what-is-a-good-h-index-for-each-academic-position/ ↩︎
  13. Can Scientists Answer These Questions? RNA, Abiogenesis, Chemical Natural Selection & more
    https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MmykRoelTzU&t=8s. Unless otherwise specified, most of the discussion in this section is taken from this video where Tour explains his challenges to OOL scientists. Dr. Tour has resorted to social media to reach more people regarding the fiction of abiogenesis. An Overview critique of OOL science can be found here: https://inference-review.com/article/time-out. ↩︎
  14. Tour raised the lipid challenge in another video.” Academia Tries to Silence Renowned Professor after Exposing Huge Problems in Origin of Life Field.” https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ysEc8SdDLAs . See also, https://www.ukcolumn.org/video/we-need-science-not-soup-dr-james-tour-on-origin-of-life-research and https://app.youtubesummarized.com/r/HcOAbYfV1AxrhopLbmUJU ↩︎
  15. as of January 2025 ↩︎

1 thought on “The Nightmares of Materialism. Part 1. The Fiction of Abiogenesis A. Life Did Not Arise from Non-Life

  1. These atheists instead of admitting the truth that everything in this world were designed by an intelligent being instead of random chances, these atheists are wasting their time. Its like that they are trying to prove that 1+1=3, when it can never be 3 but 2. Time will come that they will realize that the universe is not billions of years old but only 6,000 years.

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