It’s Official, Our COVID Research Was Right: US COVID Committee Concludes 2-Year Investigation, Issues 500+ Final Report

The Select Subcommittee on the Coronavirus Pandemic has released a comprehensive 520-page final report following a two-year investigation into the COVID-19 pandemic, titled “After Action Review of the COVID-19 Pandemic: The Lessons Learned and a Path Forward.” The report outlines critical findings regarding the pandemic’s origins, indicating that it likely stemmed from a laboratory in Wuhan, China, and highlights significant failures in public health oversight and pandemic response, including widespread fraud in relief funding programs. It criticizes the effectiveness of federal policies, such as lockdowns and school closures, which led to severe economic and societal impacts, particularly on children. The report aims to provide a roadmap for future pandemic preparedness and emphasizes the need for accountability and transparency in public health leadership to rebuild trust with the public.
Editor’s Note: This report has made it official – everything we told you about the COVID hysteria was true. It has acknowledged that COVID probably emerged from a laboratory (whether intentional or unintentional remains a question), that the US government covered up certain facts about COVID, that school closures and lockdowns were worse than COVID, that a majority of the policies forced unto us during the scamdemic were “arbitrary and not based on science”. The report also acknowledged that the government has censored information and engaged in “pervasive misinformation campaigns” which “unjustly demonized…off label drug use and the lab leak theory”.
According to the report, the “conspiracy theorists” were right in all counts, except of course when it comes to the vaccines. Just like Donald Trump, the US House of Representatives refuses to acknowledge the murder they have perpetrated. It continues to insist that the vaccines were “lifesaving” even as it acknowledged that the World Health Organization’s response was “an abject failure”. But people must know better. Atleast we hope they do, especially after they have witnessed first hand the devastation that the COVID shots have inflicted on our society. [Read BREAKING NEWS – Twice-Censored Landmark COVID-19 Vaccine Autopsy Study Fully Peer-Reviewed and Published. Also read Trump, A Snake?: President-Elect Surrounds Himself With Operation Warpspeed Accomplices, TRUMP WILL NOT DRAIN THE SWAMP. HE IS PART OF THE SWAMP. HE WILL BRING WAR AND BETRAY HIS DOMESTIC AGENDA IN THE PROCESS].
This report is an official end to COVID, but make no mistake, another manufactured pandemic will come, and by then, they hope people have forgotten their crimes [see Let’s Declare a Pandemic Amnesty, The Problem With Declaring a ‘Pandemic Amnesty’, Disease X: Red Carpet to Achieve WHO Dictatorship, WEF, WHO Continues Attack on Humanity, Calls For “Proactive” Action to Avert Deaths From Fictional Disease X, Are We Simply Accepting WHO’s Vision Of A Disease-Obsessed World?].
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The sub-committee report only exposed the tip of the iceberg about COVID19 or a caged story about it. Its not just about NIH funding the Wuhan Institute of Virology story. The report of course will not mention of incidents of mystery sickness during the Wuhan military Olympics, the saliva collection in China by a U.S. university years before the pandemic, the COVID outbreak in the state of Maryland weeks before the Wuhan event, the COVID outbreak in northern Italy in the early weeks of the lockdown despite the houses there are miles apart. The lies of the secret establishment cannot be rectified by them anymore that they have to admit that “conspiracy theorists” are always right ahead.