Materialism: The God of the Great Reset. Part 2. How it Distorts Reality and Promotes Nihilism

This article is part of the series entitled Materialism: The God of the Great Reset. This is Part 2. Read the other articles by clicking the following links: [Part 1] [Part 3] [Part 4]
In Part 1 of the article,1 I gave an overview of how the different destructive effects of the Great Reset Agenda of the New World Order (NWO) can ultimately be traced back to its religion, Materialism.2
Materialism, in its proper place, is an important scientific achievement of humanity. It has given us an impressive understanding of the workings of matter. With this knowledge, materialism has given humanity the power to create all the technologies that enable humans to create the civilizations of the 21st Century.
However, materialism deals with all things inorganic; all things inanimate; all things dead. The problem arises when the science of materialism, the science of the non-living, forces us to understand life, consciousness, spirit, meaning, morality under its framework for dead things. This is where the problem begins.
When materialism colonizes other areas of life, then it becomes a kind Midas Touch. It is not a Midas Touch of Gold (which is deadly in itself).3 But it is the Midas Touch of Death. It kills life. It dulls and represses consciousness. It drives out free will. It blinds humans to both meaning and morality. It eventually destroys the world, all living life forms on Planet Earth. Not only can it never fully understand life and consciousness. Materialism can ultimately lead to nuclear war and other plagues as seen in Part 1 of this series. For all its power, materialism is totally impotent to advance life.
To better understand what we are dealing with, we need to distinguish between materialism, reductionism and scientism.
Materialism as a Science
The simplest understanding of materialism is that it is the science that believes, as a postulate, not as an established fact, that the only reality in this world is matter and the various interactions and dynamics of matter. This is how materialism got its name. Nothing else exists but matter.
Materialists believe that matter has existed from eternity4 and in the course of its existence, galaxies arose. Within these galaxies, planetary systems evolved. In one of these planets, namely Earth, life arose. Certain combinations of lifeless matter produced the simplest building blocks, the molecules of life that eventually evolved to become the genetic code of life, the DNA.
This simplest of life forms, including primitive bacteria, eventually gathered together, functionally merged, and increasingly formed more and more complex and sophisticated species. This was all random, a process of chance. This process of chance emergence of complex species and humans came about through the process of natural selection.
The more fit a species was within its environment, the more it had the chance to survive and propagate its own species. It was the survival of the fittest. This continued random process of natural selection acted upon random forms of life that emerged. Initially these random new forms emerged and struggle to survive in their environment.
Natural selection then “chose” these surviving most fit species to continue surviving and propagating. It was a kind of virtuous cycle of continuous improvement powered by pure natural material forces. This reiterative produced eventually produced the most diverse and wonderous forms which we can see around us in nature. There was no need for some fictitious divine spiritual force or a god to intervene in the process.
Eventually, humans evolved through nature selection. They were the product of natural selection. Humans also engaged in a “survival of the fittest” struggle to earn their dominant place in the biosphere. They were able to be the apex species because natural selection conferred humans with a sophisticated brain. The latter enabled humans to make many innovations to enable them to survive in the jungles and the savannahs of their origins.
Natural selection conferred humans with a genetic code to produce the human brain and all its sophisticated neural networks. Consciousness eventually emerged from this neural network. Consciousness was not created by an all-knowing god. Consciousness is purely physical. It is nothing by the secretion of the firing of the neural networks of the brain.
Eventually when humans became self-reflective, they realized that they were not special. They were not made in the image and likeness of God. Humans are a mere product of the blind process of natural selection. Thus, humans have no extrinsic value, no human rights.
They can simply be controlled and manipulated in the simple struggle of one dominant human group over another. They can impose control and destruction on other humans without any pangs of conscience. After all, they are merely following natural law where survival of the fittest holds supreme.
Indeed, for the materialist, human beings are complex and mysterious. But in the end, humans are simply biological machines that can be modified, replicated through cloning, and then patented. Since matter has no conscience, then the sense of having a conscience and morality is fictitious. No one can complain should more powerful humans start locking, mistreating and eventually exterminating weaker human groups.
Materialism: From Scientific Method to Methodological Destruction of Reality
From this we can gather that materialism is also reductionist. It reduces the complexity of life and consciousness into the workings of atoms and molecules. One cannot understand life without specifying its molecular foundations. The reality of the entire organism as significant in itself is mostly forgotten. One cannot understand consciousness unless one specifies which neural networks are responsible for specific functions of the brain and what neural networks are responsible for producing the subjective illusion of being conscious. This whole mood and attitude of materialistic science is called reductionism.
As we shall see, Materialism fails miserably in practically all domains of the living and consciousness of all life forms. It is fairly successful with the inorganic world of atoms and molecules. It is fairly successful in aspects of reality that are not alive and/or conscious or living organisms that have died. In effect, materialism is a science of the dead. No wonder it brings so much destruction and death into the world as seen in Part 1 of this series.
Materialism is intolerant of methodological pluralism. The latter proposes that we study dead things with the methods of materialism. That is its proper place. But we can also study life through different scientific approaches, on more attuned to life. And the same with consciousness, we study awareness through new scientific methodologies.
In future articles, we will see concrete demonstrations of how methodological pluralism is possible and how it leads to a more realistic, amazing and inspiring understanding of reality and who really are as human beings.
Materialism: From Scientific Method to a Religion
Materialism is a dangerous and violent fairy tale. It demands that all the different forms of scientific methodologies bow before the altar of reductionist materialism. With this insistence, and surprising as it may seem to many, materialism in our time has become more and more of a belief system bordering on religious fanaticism. There can be no other explanation except a resort to materialism, an assumption that has no scientific proof.
It is not scientific fact. There are snippets of truth in materialism but these snippets of truth have no bearing at all on the real nature of most of reality. This belief in unproven and unverified scientific assertions is called scientism.
Materialism moves from being valid to a narrow domain of reality to a kind of religious fanaticism that all things can be explained through the workings of matter. This is a bizarre especially in an era where quantum physics had demonstrated, beyond reasonable doubt, that matter is basically a temporary manifestation of pure energy. Scientism is an anachronistic religion in an era where many of the most prominent scientists view consciousness as the fundamental reality of the universe and that mind is the matrix of all matter.5
It will be the burden of forthcoming articles in this series to deconstruct materialism, reductionism and scientism and give a more accurate scientific picture of humans and reality.
But, for now, we need to take a closer look at how materialism is the foundational worldview of the Great Reset of the New World Order. We will do this in the next article (Part 3) of this series. We will detail how materialism is either the explicit or tacit rationale for the different beliefs and values of the New World Order that now governs many aspects of world existence.
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- I will show below how materialism changes from scientific methodology to the religion of scientism. ↩︎
- The famous story ends in disaster for King Midas. He got his wish to turn all things he touches into gold. However, Midas realized his gift was a curse when he tried to hug his daughter in excitement due to his new power. But when he hugged his daughter, the latter turned into a golden statue. He went into deep remorse and asked the god, Dionysius, to remove his golden touch. He wanted to atone for his greed. He was granted the wish after a trial. When his golden was removed, he daughter comes back to life and he give away all the gold that he had a a result of the golden touch. Will materialism atone from its Touch of Death? This is huge part of the drama of our times. For more details of the Midas story, see here: ↩︎
- This was the classical view of materialism in the 19th and early parts of the 20th century. With the advent of quantum mechanics and the acceptance of the Big Bang theory of the creation of the Universe (the Universe had a beginning), many materialistic scientists have abandoned this assumption of the non-creation of the universe. This assumption of an infinite, non-created existence of the Universe, was important to support the related fiction of the survival of the fittest theory of modern biology. The Neo-Darwinian theory of modern biological evolution required vast amounts of time to produce the chance combination of matter as many materialists believe. ↩︎
- In near-future articles, we will give detailed proof of these assertions. For now see, the book of Max Planck on the new science at ↩︎
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The promoters of this CSE program don’t know and understand the purpose and value of the family.
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That’s true. The state of a country is determined by what kind of citizens there are. Another thing, the kind of music a generation has, reflects what state of mind the people have.