February 9, 2025

The Nightmares of Materialism. Part 1. The Abiogenesis Fiction B. One Failure After Another

The Nightmares of Materialism. Part 1. The Abiogenesis Fiction B. One Failure After Another

This article is part of the series entitled The Nightmares of Materialism. This is Part 1-B. Read the other articles by clicking the following links: [ Part 1-A] [Part 1-C] [Part 2-A] [Part 2-B]

In Part 1.A. of this series,1 we saw how critical abiogenesis is to the whole edifice of Neo-Darwinism. Abiogenesis is the scientific theory that life came from non-life. In turn, we have already learned how Neo-Darwinism is central to the destructive governing worldview of the New World Order.2

In Part 1.A. we saw how Dr. James Tour, a highly cited scientist, an esteemed organic chemist and nanotechnology inventor, challenged Origin of Life (OOL) scientists to overcome six (6) hurdles to OOL theory.

Polymers3 of Amino Acids: No Evidence

Tour challenges OOL scientists to take two amino acids: aspartic and lysine. These two are considered by OOL researchers to be part of the early building blocks of life. Amino acids combine to ultimately form proteins, absolutely essential to the processes of life.

The basic conundrum in this specific area of research is that no one has solved the problem of how to protect the side chains of amino acids from spontaneous combination with other molecules. If the side chains are not protected, then these amino acids will not be able to polymerize. Other undesirable molecules will bond and occupy the side chains of these amino acids. Half of the amino acids require side chain protection.4

In addition, no one has solved the problem of coding the sequence of the amino acids to produce nucleotides and more complicated forms of polymers from amino acids.

No Success in Creating Polymers of Nucleic Acids

The next challenge is to take a nucleotide and polymerize it. If successful, this process leads to the creation of RNA and then ultimately to DNA. As popularly known, RNA and DNA work in tandem to activate the genetic code of life. According to Neo-Darwinian theory, natural selection will not succeed if the selected traits cannot be passed through the organism’s genome to its offsprings. For this to happen, RNA and DNA have to be present.

Unfortunately, no OOL scientist has demonstrated the creation of complex RNA and complex DNA in a laboratory setting. In that kind of a setting, chemical reactions are minimally designed and allowed to proceed only on the basis of random combinations. However, OOL scientists have often resorted to more sophisticated design and frequent technological interventions in chemical processes that are supposed to be spontaneous.

Even when there is minimal human interference in the process, researchers are getting 2’-5’ RNA molecules mixed in with 3’-5’ molecules. The numbers refer to bonding sites of the RNA molecules. Thus, a 2’-5’ RNA molecule means that these are bonded or linked at the 2’-5’ site and a 3’-5’ RNA molecule means the bonding is taking place at the 3’-5’ molecular bonding sites of the RNA molecule.

Scientists know that linkages at the 3’-5’ bonding site of the RNA molecule is the preferred pathway that leads to more stable and functional complex molecules and then ultimately to LUCA. The mix of RNA molecules bonded at 2’-5’ has to be limited. The mixture can occur with minimal disruption at low levels of contamination with 2’-5’ RNA molecules. Some scientists think that such mixing has certain benefits.

However, in prebiotic chemistry, there has to be the right kind of selectivity and control over reaction rates to prevent the formation of a wide range of undesirable molecules. The vast majority of RNA molecules formed in a simulated prebiotic condition laboratory setting should have the 3’-5’ configuration. But this is not happening. Thus, the polymerization process does not succeed in lab experiments.

Tour’s concern is captured in this quote from one scientific article published in a scientific journal devoted to nucleic acid synthesis and dynamics.

“Our results show that the local structural perturbations (disturbances in structure) caused by 2΄-5΄ linkages can be distributed to nearly all the nucleotides with big ranges of changes in different geometry parameters.5 In addition, hydration pattern (interaction with water) and solvation energy analysis indicate less favorable solvent interactions of 2΄-5΄-linkages comparing to the native 3΄-5΄-linkages.6 This study not only promotes our understanding of RNA backbone flexibility, but also provides a knowledge base for studying the biochemical and prebiotic significance (problems) of RNA 2΄-5΄-linkages.”7 (Words in parenthesis supplied.)

Translation: The significant presence and permeation of RNA 2’5’ linkages under laboratory conditions throughout the water medium for chemical interactions, interferes with the desired three- dimensional, geometric structure of the nucleotides. This, in turn, disturbs and interferes with the process of polymerization. In natural settings, the dominant linkages are RNA 3’-5’ linkages The large presence of RNA 2’-5’ linkages create significant problems for the creation of life from non-life materials. In effect, there is no evidence that life can emerge from non-life under laboratory conditions.

Continued Failure in Producing Polymers of Saccharides

Another huge challenge for OOL scientists is how to prepare a simple polymer (disaccharide) from a simple sugar compound (glucose). The challenges here are more complicated. The difficulty here lies in getting the carbohydrates to couple properly.

Dr. Tour illustrates the problem.8

“Just the formation of simple monosaccharide like glucose requires 11 enzymes (4 of which are unique to glucose formation) plus 4 activators… If these enzymes were to form randomly, then it would be 10 to the 6368 possibilities.9 … (T)hat would take you more time than 10 of our universes to do this. 

Now take all these amino acids and polypeptides to randomly assemble by chance, then it would take 10 (to the) 65,459 combinations to arrive at just the one’s fit for life. 

phosphorylase, one of the enzymes for glucose. … (It takes)10 to the 1094 possible combinations to create it. Then it has to be folded right. (See Protein folding problem below). All of these is just to dimerize glucose.” 

No Success: Lipid Layer

The lipid layer in cell membranes is equally complicated as the polymerization of nucleotides, amino acids, and saccharides. Its spontaneous production in a hypothesized prebiotic soup is riddled with similar problems discussed above.

The Mystery of the Source of Information in DNA

Modern science has a deep mystery that it has not managed to solve until today. DNA is the medium upon which information is stored. But the key question is this. Where did the information encoded in the DNA come from? Science has no answer to this question.

This information is external information that has embedded itself in the DNA. What is the origin of the specified information that makes polymers out of nucleic acids and the other substances including nucleotides and saccharides? The information is primary and the matter secondary.

Dr. Tour puts it this way.

“In addition, to the four forms of complex compound, then you have the problem of where to find the Information Code that tells these complex compounds exactly when, at what amounts, and under what sequences will they all function properly to produce a living cell. Darwin did not even know this. He just presumed the existence of the cell, as is, and built his theory of evolution from these simple beginnings; from simple organisms to more and more complex organisms.”

No Lab has Created a Living Cell

It is obvious that, if the basic components of the cell could not have arisen automatically, then a living cell, relying on these components, cannot come into existence. This is the reason why no scientist has succeeded in building a living cell in the laboratory.

It is clear from these failures that there is zero evidence to support the materialistic claim that life came from non-life. The problematic belief in Abiogenesis is like grown up scientists believing in a tooth fairy. They so desperately wish their empty theory were true. Because if it were not, then it would destroy the very foundations of an even more grand theory that has mesmerized the world: Neo-Darwinism. The collapse of Neo-Darwinism would be an even greater disaster as we shall see.

  1. https://covidcalltohumanity.org/2025/01/13/the-nightmares-of-materialism-part-1-the-fiction-of-abiogenesis-a-life-did-not-arise-from-non-life/ ↩︎
  2. https://covidcalltohumanity.org/2025/01/08/materialism-the-god-of-the-great-reset-part-3-sucking-out-life-meaning-and-morality-in-society-promoting-violence-as-a-way-of-life/ and https://covidcalltohumanity.org/2025/01/11/materialism-the-god-of-the-great-reset-part-4-unveiling-its-ultimate-pathological-manifestations-in-world-phenomena/ ↩︎
  3. The technical definitions found in Part 1.B can be found in Part 1.A of this series. See Reference #1 above. ↩︎
  4. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6GDv4f2zUus. Dr. Lee Cronin vs Dr. James Tour Debate the Origin of Life at Harvard Cambridge Faculty Roundtable ↩︎
  5. RNA 2’-5’ linkages result in all kinds of diverse three-dimensional structures in the resulting substance. As a result, proper polymerization is hindered. This is connected to the protein folding problem in polymerization discussed below. ↩︎
  6. Solvent is the medium where a substance (solute) can dissolve and form a chemical solution. In short, the RNA 2-’5’ linkages are not favorable for chemical interactions that lead to polymerization. ↩︎
  7. Sheng, F. et al. “Structural insights into RNA duplexes with multiple 2΄-5΄-linkages” in Nucleic Acids Research (45) 6 (2017): 3537-3546 ↩︎
  8. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ysEc8SdDLAs&t=1596s. All the forthcoming quotes come from this source. ↩︎
  9. This is another way of saying 10 to the power of 6386. ↩︎

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