The Nightmares of Materialism. Part 2. Darwinian Worldview Collapses B. No Evidence in the Fossil Record

This article is part of the series entitled The Nightmares of Materialism. This is Part 2-B. Read the other articles by clicking the following links: [Part 1-A] [Part 1-B] [Part 1-C] [ Part 2-A]
In the first article of this new sub-series,1 we have seen how Darwinism, especially Social Darwinism, has been wreaking havoc for over a hundred years. It gave the ideology for the two World Wars of the 20th Century. It continues to swing its wreaking balls in the violent Great Reset agenda of the New World Order (now).2
Unless the scientific foundations of Darwinism are shown to be highly questionable and termite-infested, the destructive policies forced upon the world by the psychopaths of the NWO will intensify and continue unabated.
In the three articles of Part 1 in the series on “The Nightmares of Materialism”, we saw the futility of Origin of Life Science (OOS) attempting to create life from non-living matter.3 This, in itself, is a fatal blow to the worldview of Darwinism4 that animates many destructive aspects of the modern global civilization.
But this is only part of the evidence that the Darwinian edifice is full of defects and is bound for collapse. Darwin himself, a real and honest scientist, saw problems with his theory as we will see in this and the following articles.
But he had hoped that further research would verify what he is now known as the theory of biological evolution. Unfortunately for Darwin and many Neo-Darwinists, many of the central aspects of his theory have now been invalidated.
Darwinism’s Three Fatal Problems5
In this series, we will touch on just three aspects of problems in Darwin’s theory that he himself was aware of but had hoped would be solved in some future time. These are the three challenges.
- Lack of evidence from the Fossil Record
- Failure to specify the source of information embedded in the genetic code
- Irreducible Complexity
The Refinement of Darwin’s Theory by Neo-Darwinsim
Darwin theorized that biological evolution arose from two sources: a) universal common ancestry and b) natural selection.6
On the first pillar, Darwin believed that all species on earth came from this universal common ancestor, the first form of primordial life. From this beginning point, new forms of life emerged. They were variations from the first primordial form of life. And out these variations, the simple became more and more complex. Until finally, he envisioned a “Tree of Life” depicting the hierarchy of forms and their interconnections with each other.
On the second pillar, Darwin believed that there was a process of natural selection that selected the best forms of variations. These best forms were also the most fit in terms of survival. This is the famous survival of the fittest mantra of Darwinism came from.
Thus, integrating the two pillars, Darwin believed that the rise of more and more complex forms of life from a simple primordial organism came about as a result of random variation. These “varieties” were then chosen through a process of natural selection. The selected survived and propagated their own kind.
From this pool of survivors, variation took place again and were favored once more by natural selection. This dynamic continued on and on through long periods of time until, finally, we have the diversity of nature we find all around us.
With the discovery of Mendelian genetics after Darwin, the so-called Neo-Darwinism or the Modern Synthesis arose.7 It sought to update Darwin. It now claimed that the variations that are found in nature are caused by random unplanned genetic mutations.
These genetic mutations produce a new phenotype or a different morphological and functional characteristic of an organism. These variations produced through genetic mutations are then the subject of natural selection. Those that are selected are also the fittest. They survive and they propagate their own kind.
The Unsolved Mystery of the Fossil Record
Because such a formation of new life forms on the basis of variation and natural selection would take a long time, Darwin speculated that the fossil record found in the different layers of geological deposits will reveal this gradual formation of species. In the fossil record, he believed will be found the evidence for the evolution from the simple to the more comprehensive higher orders, as can be found in the different layers of geological deposits.
Darwin believed that, through millions of years, the different kinds of related species clustered together to create a higher order of species in a continuous process of complexification. The final expression, in our time, of these complex forms will display that different higher animal and plant forms that have unique and distinct body plans.
But Darwin had a problem. During his time, he was well-aware of the fossils found in the geological excavations in Wales. This was known as the Cambrian Fossil. The fossils from the Cambrian geological era are dated at around 350 million years.8
Here is what he wrote in his book, On The Origin of Species.
There is another … difficulty, which is much more serious. I allude to the manner in which species belonging to several of the main divisions of the animal kingdom suddenly appear in the lowest known fossiliferous rocks [of the Cambrian deposits] … If the theory be true, it is indisputable that before the lowest Cambrian stratum was deposited, long periods elapsed … and that during these vast periods, the world swarmed with living creatures … to the question why we do not find rich fossiliferous deposits belonging to these assumed earliest periods before the Cambrian system, I can give no satisfactory answer. The case at present must remain inexplicable; and may be truly urged as a valid argument against the views here entertained.9 (Emphases supplied.)
Darwin basically laid the foundation for the scientific refutation of his own theory. Over 160 years after the publication of his world-shattering theory of evolution that needed no god, no such fossil evidence as described by Darwin in the quote above have been found.
On the contrary, after a lot of excavations in different places around the world, refutations to his theory continued to be discovered. The vast majority of biological higher forms (at the level of the Phylum) are found in the Cambrian Age. Missing are the speculated simpler ancestral forms.
Worst, there was no gradual formation of species. What the current fossil record displays is both sudden “explosions” of complex body forms and no evidence of gradual evolution. Instead, geologists have discovered evidence for stasis, the phenomena of species retaining their form and characteristics for tens of millions of years. The body plans remain the same.
In summary, after sudden appearance, the body plans remain the same. There is statis. Instead of gradual development of unique body plans, there are sudden and abrupt, appearance of new and more complex life forms.
We are no longer dealing here with a sampling problem as many defenders argue. The excavations have been done all over the world at the Cambrian and pre-Cambrian layers. There is no evidence for a Darwinian gradual evolution in them.
But even more devasting, Darwinian used to argue that the evidence of simple forms cannot be found because they were too fragile to be captured in the fossil record. That was a plausible defense of Darwin until the Cambrian and pre-Cambrian fossil records were discovered in 1995 in Chengjiang, China
The Chinese Cambrian fossil demonstrated that, indeed, geology can exquisitely preserve fossils of fragile species including those with no hard skeletons.10 The soft bodies were very well-preserved in the Chinese geological structure. These Chinese excavations continued to confirm “explosion” of the new forms and their stasis (unchanging forms) after their appearance.11
Finally, as more and more layers of the geological strata and geological time were explored, the evidence pointed to the same phenomena: sudden appearance of complex body plans with no proof of simpler transitional forms and the continued existence of these new forms for millions of years (stasis, not evolution). Some static species persisted in their body plans for 500 million years.
Dr. Richard Sternberg, an evolutionary biologist and former Research Associate at Smithsonian Institution, described the situation as “periods of explosive diversification, followed by minor diversification, with what they called stasis, and then you had extinction. And then you had another period of this. So, they came to the conclusion that the fossil record is … highly punctuated in terms of these events.”12
He then continues to reveal that, increasingly, mainstream biologists are questioning the lack of evidence from the fossil record to support Darwin’s theory of evolution.
Giants in Evolutionary Biology Admit: No Evidence from the Fossil Record
The earliest giant of paleontology to recognize the problem was Stephen Jay Gould who was given the Genius Award by the MacArthur Foundation and the Darwin-Wallace Medal by The Linnean Society of London. That this Medal is only awarded semi-centennially for major advances in evolutionary biology13 is a huge testimony to the stature of Gould among evolutionary biologists.
To account for these uncontestable “explosions” of new forms without transitional forms, he, together with his colleague, Niles Eldredge, postulated the hypothesis of “Punctuated Equilibrium”.14 Gould created a hypothesis of punctuated equilibrium to explain the predominant pattern of “big bangs” and sudden, in terms of geological time, huge diversification of species in the fossil record.
But the scientific community rejected the Gould’s hypothesis. The latter questioned the accuracy of Darwin’s theory of gradual evolution through natural selection and admits the obvious, that evolution took place in rapid bursts or “explosive”, sudden and dramatic appearance of entirely novel organisms with no precursors.
As we shall see in the next article in this series, both conventional Neo-Darwinism and Punctuated Equilibrium fail to deal with an even deeper problem and devasting challenge to Darwinism. The Modern Synthesis and Punctuated Equilibrium both cannot explain how small tweaks in the genetic code through mutation can take place. Such small tweaks eventually lead to the death and extinction of the organism. There is no natural mechanism left to explain how one body plan can change to another body plan with killing the organism.
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- We will use the term Darwinism to refer to Darwin’s original hypothesis as well as Neo-Darwinism or the Modern Synthetic Theory which seeks to make Darwin relevant to the modern times. ↩︎
- There are more than three problems. But these three are enough to show that Darwinism, as a scientific theory, has no future in its current form. ↩︎
- Charles Darwin. On the Origin of Species. The summary of the key aspects of Darwin’s theory can be found in this book. ↩︎
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- At the Origin of Animals: The Revolutionary Cambrian Fossil Record. ↩︎
- See Chapter X of his book, On the Origin of Species. ↩︎
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- Stephen Meyers book, Darwin’s Doubt, remains one of the best scientific and factual guide through the labyrinth of the vigorous debate on the demise of the fossil record as evidence for Darwin’s theory. ↩︎
- National Geographic View of Fossil Record is WRONG Says Evolutionary Biologist Richard Sternberg ↩︎
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