July 27, 2024
US States Move to Oppose WHO

The article discusses opposition from several U.S. states to the World Health Organization’s (WHO) proposed pandemic treaty. It outlines concerns raised by state attorneys general regarding potential infringement on national sovereignty and individual freedoms. The attorneys general argue that the treaty could grant excessive powers to international organizations and undermine constitutional rights. They emphasize the importance of preserving states’ rights and autonomy in managing public health crises. The article underscores the need for transparency and accountability in international agreements related to pandemic response, urging for a balanced approach that respects both global cooperation and national sovereignty.

Editor’s Note: It will only be a matter of time before the Pandemic Treaty fails [see WHO Chief: Pandemic Treaty In Danger Of Failing]. But even if it does, we must keep our eyes on the ball. The amendments to the International Health Regulations are also slated to be tackled during the May 2024 World Health Assembly (WHA) [read New Draft Amendments to the WHO International Health Regulations Still Riddled With Problems, How the WHO Plans to Rule the World: A Review of the Proposed Amendments to the International Health Regulations, World Health Assembly Cites Need to ‘Restrict Personal Liberties’ and Expand WHO’s Emergency Powers].

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